Good Bye

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Chapter 38
Rachels pov :
We all stood at the train station getting ready to say goodbye to Finn and the girls. I walked up to the girls and gave them a big hug, "I'll miss you guys so much . " I told them. "We'll miss you too Rach. " Danny said . "Promise you'll come see us . " Peyton said. "Of course. " I said . Finns then went over to the boys and said , "Come and visit me anytime and we'll go to baseball game. " he told them. The boys smiled at him and gave him a big hug . "Be good for your mom . " He said . He then walked over to me and smiled , "I'm really going to miss you Hudson . " I told him. He smirked, "Go be a super star Berry and when you win a Tony make sure to thank me in your speech. " He said. I chuckled and gave him a hug don't go I thought . I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek . "Call me when you get to Lima . " I said. "Will do . " He said and then he looked at me one last time and they waved as they got onto the train and left.

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