Stay a little longer

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Chapter 35
(After the show )
Rachels pov :
I cleaned my makeup off of me and turned to the girls. "Girls look I know you miss me and I missed you too but you can't just come here without telling your dad . " I told them. "Are you going to call him ? " Danny asked me . "I have no choice . " I said. I then picked up my phone and called Finn.

Finn pov :
I was on the couch watching football the girls went out to the mall so it was just me . I was eating my food when my phone rang it was Rachel . "Rachel hi. " I said. "Hey Finn , theres something I need to tell you. " She said. I sat up , "Okay what is it ? " I asked her. "Well the girls kind of snuck off to New York to come and see me . " She said . "What ! " I yelled . "Relax their fine , their with me and I'm going to bring them back to my place and I'll bring them home tomorrow . " She said. "No its fine I should probably come get them I don't want you to miss your show. " I told him. "Are you sure I can just have my understudy do it . " She said. "No I don't want you to miss anything because of me. " I said. "Okay well I'll see you tomorrow then. " She said. "Okay see you tomorrow. " I said and hung up .

(the next day )
I got off the plane caught a taxi and went to Rachel's. The taxi stopped and I got out and tipped him . I dragged my suit case up the steps and knocked on the door. A moment later the door opened and it was Rachel . "Hi. " I said. "Hi." She said. "Can I.... " "Oh yeah come on in . " She said and let me in . "I'll go get the girls . " She said and then went up stairs. I started to walk around and I saw pictures of the boys and Rachel on her wedding day and then I saw one of us from when we were in the glee club . I smiled and then Rachel came down , "Finn. " She said. I turned around quickly, "Yeah ?" I asked. "The girls are in the kitchen . " She said. I noddwd and we walked into the kitchen . "Daddy!" Peyton excalmed and jumped into my arms . "Oh Peyton . Thank god you girls are okay." I said. "Dad we were fine ." Danny said . "You girls are in serious trouble when we get back home . " I told them. "But dad. " they complained. "No buts. " I said. "Finn may I say something? " Rachel asked. "I was thinking the girls really aren't that much of a hassel maybe they could stay a few days longer of course you can to if you want thats is." She said. "Please dad . " the girls begged . I thought for a moment . "Okay only for a couple days though. " I said. They smiled and hugged me and then Rachel .

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