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Chapter 29
( 2 months later )
Rachels pov :
Its been 2 months since I have spoken to Finn he's really mad at me but I just don't know what to do . I was in the choir room when Kurt , Blaine, and Finn came in . "Hey Kurt , Blaine, Finn. " I said. "Rachel I have some amazing news !" Kurt squealed . "What ?" I asked him. He them showed me the engagement ring and said, "Blaine proposed !" He said. I smiled and hugged him, "Oh my god Kurt thats amazing ! " I said. "I know and there's more. " He said. "I want you and Finn to sing at our wedding. " He told me . I looked at Finn but he said nothing . "I don't you guys . " I said . "Oh please Rachel it'll be a fabulous wedding gift . " He said. I smiled and turned to Finn , "I'm in if your in . " I told him. "Okay . " Finn said . Kurt smiled and gave us both a hug , "Come on Blaine we have to start plaining this wedding !" He said excitedly and took his hand and they ran off . I looked at Finn and smiled, "So any songs in mind ?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and then stormed off .

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