Don't let go

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Chapter 20
( 1 month later )
Rachels pov :
I was in the choir room waiting for everyone to get here so I could tell them the news . The bell rang and the glee kids came flooding in. "Okay everyone settle down." I said. They all looked at me and then the board that said , "Goodbye" . "Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye ?" Sawyer asked. "I have to tell you guys something . " I said. "What?" Ryder asked . "A month ago I got a call from a broadway producer asking me to play a big part in a big broadway musical . After considering it I decided to take it . " "What about us , what about Nationals? " Sawyer asked . "Don't worry I have a replacement to fill my place while I'm gone. " I said . "So that's it your just going to leave?" Danny said . "Guys this isn't easy for me either but I'll be back soon . " I said. "Are you doing this because you and my dad broke up?" Asked Sawyer. "No of course not I'm doing this because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can't pass it up. " I said. "I'm sorry Ms.Berry but I think your making a huge mistake. " Marley said. "Guys listen this is not the end of glee club and I'll come back and see you guys at Nationals in New York . It won't be the end . " I said . The bell rang and then they all walked out with out a word .

Dannys pov :
"We can't let her do this Sawyer we can't let her leave . " I told my sister, Marley and Ryder. "What can we do though I mean she obviously won't listen to us." Sawyer said . "Do you think maybe she'll listen to your dad?" Marley asked me. "I don't know, maybe . " Sawyer said . "They haven't talked since they broke up. " I told them . "Maybe you should talk to dad." Sawyer said. "Why me?" I asked. "Because he'll listen to you . " She said. "Okay I'll go talk to him after class. " I said and then the bell rang . "I'll see you later. " Ryder said. "Okay bye. " I said and he kissed my cheek and walked away . "So are you two a thing now or what ? " Marley asked me . "I don't know I mean I like him and he likes me I think but he hasn't even ask me out . It doesn't matter anyway I'm more focused on making sure Rachel doesn't leave Lima . " I said. "Your right maybe we should talk to Andy too . " Sawyer said. "He's in my next period. " I told them. "Okay cool see ya at lunch . " I said and then left for class. I walked into the class room and sat down next to Andy. "Hey Andy. " I said cheerfully. "Hey Danny. " He said. "So I need to talk to you . " I said. "Whats up? " He asked . "We need to get our parents back together. " I told him. "Okay but how they broke up remember? " He said. "I know but why ?" I asked. "I don't know. " He said. "Exactly. " I said. "Look I'm going to go talk to my dad but do you think you can go talk to mom . " I said. "Yeah anything to make her happy again . " I said . "Okay so after class I'll go talk to my dad and you go talk to your mom . " I said. "Okay sounds good. " He said .

Andrews pov :
I walked into the choir room and saw my mom packing her things. "Hey mom. " I said. "Hey Honey whats up?" She asked me. "Can we talk ? " "Yeah sure whats up ? " She asked me.

Dannys pov:
"Dad we need to talk about what happened with Rachel . " I told him. "Sweetie there is ..... "

Andrews pov :
"Absolutely nothing to talk about . " She told me . "Why not ?" I asked .

Dannys pov :
"You guys were so in love . I thought you were going to marry her . " I told him. "It's complicated. " He told me .

Andrews pov :
"But why is it so complicated?" I asked her. She sat down and sighed , "Honey there's a reason Finn and I broke up ." She said.

Dannys pov :
"The truth is Danny , your mom threaten to take you girls away from me if I didn't break up with Rachel. " He said.

Andrews pov :
"What ! How could she do that !" I said upset . "She has rights too. " She told me.

Dannys pov :
"No she can't do that dad ! You can't let her just take us away she left . " I said angrily.

Andrews pov :
"But mom you love him you can't just let her do this its not fair . " I told her . "I know honey , I know it's not fair. " She said.

Dannys pov :
"But the thought of losing you girls kills me . And Rachel knows that I love her . "

Andrews pov :
"And I know that he loves me . " She said . "Then don't let this happen. "

Dannys pov :
"If you love her then you shouldn't let anything stop you. You can fight this dad we can take it to court . " I said.

Andrews pov :
"But don't run away from this mom. " I said.

Dannys pov :
"Don't let go. "

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