The Suprise

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Chapter 14
( 4 months later )
Finns pov :
It's been 5 months since Rachel and I have been dating and we couldn't be happier. Best of all her boys are warming up to me and I think my girls are really loving her too. I think that I might be starting to fall in love with her too. I've known her all my life and I couldn't have picked a better women to be with I could really actually see myself in the near future proposing to her . I just hope she feels the same way . The girls really love her though , their always braiding hair , talking about boys , and singing together . I think their starting to open up alot more since their mom left , which is making me happy because their happy . I was in the kitchen with Rachel making dinner when Peyton came in the kitchen and said , "Rachel can you come and play Barbie dolls with me ?" She asked . She looked at me and smiled , "Go a head but tell your sisters dinner will be ready in five minutes. " I said but before I knew it they were gone . I was making dinner when there was a knock on the door , "Rachel can you get that ?" I yelled . "Yeah!" She yelled back and then came down stairs and opened the door . "Finn , can you come here for a sec . " She said. I put down the spatula and came to the door and stopped in my footsteps , "Celia . "

"Hello Finn. " She said. "What do you want ? " I asked her sternly. She was about to answer when she noticed Rachel , "Hello Rachel. " She said. "Hello Celia, how are you ? " She asked her. "Good , and you?" She asked. "I'm fine . " Rachel told her. "Finn can I come in ? " She asked. I looked at Rachel and she nodded , "Come on in . " I said and then we let her in . "Um I'm going to go get the kids ready for dinner . " Rachel said and then went up stairs . I walked into the kitchen and Celia followed me . "What are you doing here CeCe ?" I asked her. "I can't come see my kids and husband . " She said. "Ex husband. " I said sternly. "But I didn't even sign the papers. " She said. "Yes you did remember your lawyer sent them to you. " I said. "Finn you don't have to be so cold about this . " She said. "What did you expect Cece , you abondoned your kids and husband . I have nothing to say to you. " I told her. "I want a second chance Finn. " She told me. My heart froze , "No way in hell I'm going to do that . " I said. "Finn I love you and I need my girls back. " She begged . "You lost the right to those girls the minute you left !" I whispered loudly . "I made a mistake Finn people make mistakes! " She said. "Yes but you left your family. " I said and then I heard footsteps it was Danny "Dad is ..." She then noticed Celia , "Mom?" She said. Celia smiled and hugged her , "Oh Danielle I missed you so much . " She said. "Why are you here ?" She asked her . "I'm home for good. " She said. Danny shook her head and then said , "Dad is that true ?" She asked me . I was silent for a moment and looked at her and said , "Yeah . " "I guess I'll go get Peyton and Sawyer then. " She said and went back up stairs. A couple of minutes later Danny , Sawyer, Peyton, , Rachel , Andrew ,and Alex came down . "Mom. " Sawyer and Peyton said, "Hi my sweet angels . " She said and hugged them . "Boys I think we should get going let everyone get settled. " Rachel said . "Rach you don't have to leave . " I said. "No I think I should. " She said and then came over and kissed me on the cheek . "I'll call you later okay ? " She said . "Okay bye." I said and then they left .

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