Don't give up on us

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Chapter 31
(The next morning)
Rachels pov :
I woke up the next morning to sing Finn still asleep . I got up slowly and quietly got dress . I looked Finn , smiled , quietly walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the head and then left .

(Monday )
I walked into my office today to see Finn sitting there waiting for me. "Hi." I said. "We need to talk. " He said. "Theres nothing to talk about. " I told him. "Yeah there is. " He said. "No, and if there is then I don't want to talk about it . " I told him. "And why not ?" He asked me . "Because I said I didn't okay theres nothing to talk about. " I told him again . "Don't say that because you know damn well there is." He said frustrated. "Why because we had a one night stand together?" I asked. "You know that night meant way more and your just scared to admit it !" He yelled . "Oh I'm scared, you can't even commit to someone without them leaving you !" I yelled. I instantly regretted what I said. He put his head down . "Finn , I.... " "No , you what Rachel your right I can't commit to someone with them leaving me. But I have always loved you whether we were dating or not , you were my best friend . But you know what I think it might just be best if you move back to New York because there nothing here obviously. " He told me. "Is that what you want for me to leave?" I asked. "Yeah, you and the boys don't need me . " he said. "Fine , goodbye Finn . " I said and then grabbed my stuff and left.

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