The Date part 2

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Chapter 13
Rachels pov :
20 minutes later we pulled up to McKinley and I looked at Finn confused . "What are we doing here? " I asked him. He smirked , "You'll see. " He said and we left and went into the building. 15 minutes later we walked into the auditorium and went to the stage . I smiled as I noticed the blanket and picnic basket. "Aww you recreating the first time we became friends. " I said. "Yeah , well I had some help from the kids but I wanted to do something that meant something to the both of us so do you like it ? " He asked . I smiled and gave him a big hug, "I love it ! " I said. "Shall we . " He said. "We shall. " I said and we sat down and opened the picnic basket. He opened up the basket and took out the shampane and two airplane cups. He then opened the bottle and it spilled alittle, "Ahhh!" I chuckled and helped clean it up , he then pour it into the little cups and gave one to me , "To our wonderful children lets just hope their not getting into too much trouble . " He said. I smiled , "Cheers. " we both said and took a sip . "I'm really happy you asked me out. " I said. "I'm happy you said yes. " he told me. "Well I really thought I date again after Sams death. " I said. "I know I really thought that I date again after everything that happened with Celia." He told me. "Funny how we ended up here . " I said. "Right. " He said. He smiled at me and just when I thought he was going to kiss me he opened up the picnic basket , "I wonder what they packed us. " He said and then he scrumaged through the basket and pulled out sandwiches and some fruit in a retainer . "Oh I love grapes!" I exclaimed. "Do you remember how in highschool I use to be able to catch these in my mouth." He said . "Yes I remember . " I told him. "Wanna see it?" He asked. "Totally. " I said. He then opened up the container and threw the grape up in the air and then tried to catch it but missed. "So much for being able to catch it . " I said sarcastically. "Oh I would like to see you try it . " He said . "Is that a bet I hear ?" I asked jokingly. "Yes it is . " He told me . "Okay . 5 dollars says I'll be a able to catch it . " I said. "Challenge accepted . " He said and we shook hands. I grabbed the grape threw it up in the air and caught it in my mouth. "Ohhhh!" He yelled cheerfully. I smiled and chewed it up, "That'll be 5 dollars please. " I said holding out my hand . He then leaned in and kissed me passionatley. I layed down on the blanket and kissed him back it felt magical . He pulled away slowly and smiled at me , "Wow." He said. "Wow. " I said back .

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