Catching up

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Chapter 7
( 3 days later )
Rachels pov :
I was in the choir room looking over some song choices when Finn walked in . "Hey." He said. "Hey. " I said back . "So I was thinking if you want maybe we can go out tonight and catch up . " he suggested. "Yeah sure . " I said. "Awesome so I'll pick you up at six and we can go to Breadsticks. " He said. I smiled , "Sounds great. " I said. He smirked , "Awesome I'll see you then . " He said . "Okay see you then . " I said. "Okay see you then Rach. " He said. I smiled, "Bye. " I said. He smiled back , "Bye." He said and left .
2 hours later I was in my bed room getting ready to go out with Finn when Alex and Andrew came in . "Hey guys how was school?" I asked. "Good where are you going ?" Andrew asked . "Yeah where are.... you going? " Alex studdered. "For your information I'm going out with Finn." I told them. "Like a date!" Andrew said . "No like two friends catching up nothing more nothing less . " I said. "Do you like him? " Alex asked me. "As a friend I do. " I said. "Are you going to kiss him ?" He asked me. "Stupid don't say that she wouldn't kiss that oaf. " Andrew snapped . "Andrew ! Dont call your brother stupid and Finn is not an oaf . " I said. "And no Alex I'm not going to kiss him . " I said. "Good . " they both said releaved . The door bell rang , "How do I look?" I asked. "Beautiful. " Alex said . I smiled and kissed his forehead and then Andrews. "Andrew I left money on the table for pizza and you know my number I'm trusting you two to be good. " I said. "Whatever. " He said. I sighed and then said , "I love you guys please be good . " I said and then went down stairs . I opened the door and smiled as I saw Finn in his suit and tie. "Hi. " He said with a smile on his face . "Hi . " I said. "Here these are for you. " He said and then handed me peonies . I smiled, "My favorite you remembered. " I said. "How could I forget? " He said. I smiled and then said , "Well thank you I'll put them in a vase and then we can go. " I said and then quickly walked into the kitchen and put them into a vase . I walked back out and said , "There we go thank you again." I said . "Welcome . " he said . "So are you ready?" I asked. "After you Madame. " He said. I smiled then yelled , "Boys I'm leaving ! " and grabbed my coat and left .
15 minutes later we arrived at Breadsticks, we then sat down and ordered. "So . " He said. "So. " I said. "You look beautiful. " He told me . "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself. " I said. We chuckled and then he said , "So what has the past 15 years been like for Rachel Berry?" He asked. "Well I'm more interested on what the past 15 years have been like for you . " I said. "I asked you first . " He said. I smirked and said , "Okay okay fine . So after I graduated NYADA and did Funny girl I did some more musicals but after a while it got old so I decided to get my teaching degree in music and thats how I met Sam and it was love at first sight ya know so after 1 year we decided to get married and he joined the Army and then we had Andrew and Alex and we were happy until 9 months ago when he died . " I said. "Thats terrible I'm sorry. " He said. "Its okay really I'm doing good but I'm just so worried about the boys especially Andrew he needs a male role model in his life and so does Alex . " I said. "Well if it's any consolation you're a great mom. " He said. "Thank you, but enough about me what about you ?" I asked. "What about me ? " he asked. "Oh come on whats it's like being a dad of 3 girls ?" I asked. "Honestly I love having my girls thats the one thing I'm happy Celia gave me but now that Danny and Sawyer are growing up I feel like they don't want to be around me anymore and before I know it neither will Peyton. I feel like Danny blames me for her mom leavint which I can understand it's my fault after all. " he said. "No it's not , listen girls are hormonal especially teen age girls their going through alot of changes right now and they just need another woman to help them . " I said . "Well I'm trying my best. " he said . "I know but I'll tell you what if you ever need any advice on girls I'm here for you. " I said. He smiled , "Same for you. " He said. I smiled and then we ordered . As we were eating our food Finns phone rang , "Sorry. " He told me . "Hello?" He asked. "Woah woah what did Danny do ?" He asked panicked . "Okay I'll be home in a couple of minutes. " He said and hung up . "Everything okay?" I asked. "Um that was Sawyer apparently my grounded daughter is throwing a party . " He said . "Wanna crash. " I suggested. "You read my mind . " he said and then we paid the bill and left .

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