Old friends

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Chapter 3
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"Rachel?" I asked reconigzing the voice. She turned around and smiled, "Finn?" She said and hugged me tightly. "What are you doing here ? " I asked her . "Well I decided to move back to Lima. " She said. "Why ? I thought you were in Manhattan. " I said. "I was , but I decided to come back. " She told me . I smiled and then two boys came out of the house , "Mom! Andrew is ... picking on me again !" The little boy studdered. "Andrew Daniel Evans leave your brother alone this instant!" She demanded . "But mom !" The older one complained . He then noticed me , "Who's this ? " He asked her. "Alex , Andrew this is one of my very old friends Mr.Finn Hudson. " She told them . I smiled and put out my hand, "Nice to meet you boys . " I said. They rolled their eyes and then Andrew said , "Whatever." Rudley and walked into the house with Alex following him . "Sorry about thay their kind of mad that they had to leave their friends its been a tough couple of months. " She told me but I had no idea what she meant . She then noticed Peyton and said , "And who is this cutie ?" Peyton smiled and said , "I'm Peyton Elizabeth Hudson. " Rachel smiled and put out her hand and shook it , "Well its very nice to meet you Peyton Elizabeth Hudson I'm Rachel Berry. " She said. Peyton smiled and said , "You're very pretty. " She told her. She smiled and said, " Thank you Peyton you are also very pretty. " She told her. "Thank you . " She said. Peyton turned to me and then said, "Daddy do you think Rachel can come over for dinner tonight?" She asked me. "Oh I don't know sweetheart. " "I would love too. " Rachel said. "Okay how's 7 ?" I asked. "Sounds good . " She said and then we heard glass shatter . "I should probably go. " She said and ran in . I smiled and then Peyton noticed . "What ?" I asked. "Do you like her?" She asked me . "What no were just friends . " I told her. "Yeah right. " She said and then ran into our house.

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