Chapter 6 - Birthday!!!

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Three weeks later.

Guess who's sixteen years old today?! Yep, me! Me, Costas and Richard sorted the party out between us. It was at an under eighteens club, in North London. I'd been home and sorted things out with my Mum and she understood where I was coming from about wrapping me up in cotton wool. She knew she had to let me go and make mistakes that I could learn from. 

Anyway, everything is done for the party. All that's left for me to do is get ready and get to the party. It's only 11:00am and it's not starting until 8:00pm so I've still got nine hours. There was loads of my mates going, plus all Costas' and Richard's mates as well. Costas and Richard were sat at mine, as I'd now gone back home. We were playing the PlayStation for a while, and of course, I was winning.

"Oi Tula you fucking cheater!" Costas moaned.

"I'm not cheating, I'm just better than you!" I bragged.

"Cheater" He mumbled.

"Not" I laughed.

"Now now you two" My mum grinned.

"All this over a game eh?" Richard laughed.

"Tell me about it" My Mum agreed.

Me and Costas were laying on the sofa play fighting when he whacked me in the arm.

"Ouch!" I cried.

"You shouldn't give what you can't take then!" Costas told me, before standing up.

He walked out of the house and I heard the door slam. Me, Costas and Richard were sat playing a game and he decided to kick off because he was losing, typical Costas.

A few hours later.

I was at my party. There was me, Richard, my mates Holly, Charlotte, Josh, Grace, Megan, Sophia, Louisa and Danny. There was Richard's mates Gary, Sam, Jack, Michaela, Olivia, Caitlyn, Ellie and Tom. There was eighteen of us in total. There would have been nineteen but Costas decided not to come as he was still in a strop about earlier. Oh well, I don't really want him ruining my birthday.We were warned not to drink as it was an under eighteens club, but of course that didn't stop us. We were all drinking and at the end of the night, everyone was either dancing, drinking or kissing each other. My mate Danny who was in my English class at school, and who I'd met at primary school when I was ten years old, tried to kiss me at the end of the night. I realised what he was doing and pushed him off me.

"Get off me!" I screamed.

"Are you OK T?" Olivia asked.

"He tried to kiss me!" I told her, still shocked.

"He tried it with me the other week" Megan piped up.

"He'll go for anyone to be honest" Ellie agreed.

"T I'm really sorry" Danny apologised.

"It's fine, I was just a bit startled" I smiled.

 "Have you got a boyfriend or anything?" Danny asked.

"No" I replied.

"Why not? Pretty girl like you" Danny grinned.

"I don't want one" I replied, bluntly.

A few hours later.

The party was over at 12:30am and I think it's safe to say, I was a bit worse for wear. I knew my Mum wouldn't be happy if she realised I'd been drinking so I got some coffee when I got in, so I could sober up a bit. I stumbled up the stairs to bed after the coffee and fell asleep not long after. I woke up in the middle of the night to be sick. I knew drinking that much was a mistake but it was my Birthday party and I was determined to enjoy myself.

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