Chapter Four- Conflict

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Kakashi and Genma stood watch outside of the cave before the skies. Its greyish tones began to alter color for the first time all day. And yet, it's happening as the sun settles and night takes over. Faded magenta and rusted orange brushed the dull skies, reflecting across the ocean waves breathtakingly. And while the islet was in the middle of a seemingly endless ocean, their sanctuary was tall enough to barely feel a mist of salty sea air on your face.
Kakashi couldn't enjoy it. His muscles remained tense under his half-crossed arms. Even as his eye scanned the book resting between his fingers his mind raced with possible explanations for his paranoia. It didn't help that the sun appeared more red than normal.
Genma's teeth clenched down on the senbon in his mouth with a little more force than usual. He tried to focus on the tall grass in front of him, and not the fact that he's surrounded by water at every turn. It didn't help that even Kakashi seemed on edge.

"You alright, man?" He finally asked. Kakashi looked up from his book, and clamped it shut before crossing his arms completely. "Something's not right."
Genma raised a brow, "With?"
"All of this." He muttered quietly. And though he remained still, his eyes surveyed the area. "Meiji said something last night, and it set me on edge."
Genma looked around before leaning in closer. His eyes continued to scan around them while he spoke quietly.
"I've already considered him having another agenda with Meilani. If it comes down to it, I already have a plan set."
"It's more than that. We're missing something."
They both turned at the sound of footsteps advancing quickly from inside the cave. A young girl, around Sakura's age, skidded to a halt in front of the two men. She blew her dark brown hair out of her face before holding out a clear quartz sphere in her palms.
"A message from the campsite. Within the Land of Mountain Streams."
They both leaned towards the orb with curious gazes. It was hard for all to hear the messenger due to the feverish commotion from their side.

"We have been discovered by Stream Shinobi," They echoed. After the sound of clanging metal quieted down they spoke in a panicked tone. "We haven't heard anything from the Princess or the Hidden Leaf team. And- Ergh! And Shotoku was found dead amongst an area of scattered paper bombs."
Genma side-eyed Kakashi, watching his brows snap together.
"We've no choice- Agh! But to evacuate and send word when we can."
The messenger let out a painful shriek, and the sphere cracked into large chunks before disintegrating.
"They have fallen." The girl whispered in horror. She stared at her hands while powdered dust ran through the spaces between her fingers. Kakashi watched her turn her hands over and let the rest fall.


The cave seemed more like a tunnel. Given its lack of moisture, and its walls carved smoothly to keep any creatures from nesting in dark corners. Hours dragged while all on the islet and cave paced aimlessly. A small group of elderly women passed on small meals to the youngest children. Young ones around 6 or 7 were seen bringing in firewood or winter fruits, blissfully unaware of what they were waiting for.
The older group of children were sitting in groups of 3 or 4, whispering quietly while a young girl hemmed her sister's skirt. Two other girls, twins it seemed, took an interest in Kurenai and asked to braid her hair. They gasped in amazement at her red eyes, giggling when her rouge lips turned upward in a polite smile.
Kakashi was oblivious to all. Instead he kept his eyes on the horizon, where Mei should be approaching any minute. He twirled two kunai in one hand idly, focusing on the speed instead of the invasive thoughts his mind screamed at him.

When shift change came, and Kurenai took over his watch, he lied wide awake staring at the ceiling. He watched the darkness of the cave shift as the sun rose. Mothers woke with their infants and tended to their needs. Young boys tended to their grandparents and helped prepare breakfast for the entire camp.
Kakashi's ear tilted towards Genma when he watched the same girl from before run to him. A larger, cerulean sphere rested between both of her palms as Genma leaned in. With muscles tense, and throat dry, he watched Genma's cool expression harden.
A woman jumped back after the wind of Kakashi's speed nearly knocked her sideways.
"Before I say anything you need to keep your cool." Genma warned. Kakashi nodded with a tense jaw. Eyeing the handful of watchers, he motioned outside. The two stood beside Kurenai and listened to Genma's low voice, holding his senbon like a cigarette to cover his moving lips.
"A couple of Memory Shinobis found Team 10 pursuing an enemy. Asuma told them they had Mei."
Kurenai gulped, eyes filling with wrath.
"Shikamaru's also missing in action."

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