Chapter Eighteen- Catching Up

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Isao listened to Meilani patiently, both of their teas nearly cold and the treats forgotten. He could see the internal conflict as she spoke. She looked back and forth at the table and her knee, and her inner brows lifted closer to the crease between them. He would give a reassuring grin when she had to pause and steady her breath, and said nothing about the gloss over her eyes.
"I understand why he was upset, you know? Just... Why did he bring it up in such a shitty way?"
Isao nodded, pressing the back of his hand against the tea pot. He topped off their tea and finished his in one gulp. Hating the thought of wasting anything that he struggled to get his hands on as a child.

"I can see both sides. One, because at one point I was you, when I confessed my love to my dear Sotaro. And the other because, well," Isao took moment to gather his thoughts, the image of Sotaro's feeble, hopeless face popping into his mind. "I wouldn't understand how one can love a man after he slayed his own kin."
Meilani frowned, watching Isao chew on the inside his cheek. He caught her stare and smiled.
"Then again, as much as chili peppers harm my stomach, I still love to eat them like carrot sticks."
Mei chuckled humorlessly, taking his forearm and squeezing it.
"I know it hurts to talk about him. But I'd love to learn more about Sotaro one day."
Isao nodded, patting her hand.

"You know our time was brief, yet our love was strong for one another. He liked cats, and painting. His favorite color was orange and his favorite food was salmon onigiri... I think what you and Kakashi need is reassurance from each other. Acknowledge and confirm your emotions. And a pricey gift from him wouldn't hurt."
Mei snorted into her hand. "I'm not that materialistic!"
"I'm just saying," he lifted his hands up. "You're a princess, you should expect the royal treatment from a significant other."
Mei shook her head. "How's the kingdom? How are you?"
"It's been... A bit stressful," he admitted. "I had to win a few of the former council members over, who were quite vocal about me being selected to rule." Isao couldn't help but roll his eyes as he lifted a cookie to his mouth. "Their prejudice seeps out of their body."

She gritted her teeth. "Do I need to kick some ass?"
"No, no, I can handle it." He shook his head. "It's nothing I haven't been acquainted with before. Besides that, and their paranoia about my choice in alliances, the kingdom is at peace. And we plan to enjoy it as we prepare for the summer festival." He gestured to her collarbone after taking a bite of his cookie. "I noticed you're not wearing your necklace."
Mei absently stroked where it usually lays. "I took it off after the fight happened."
Isao stretched his legs before standing up. "The properties of the stone are meant to help with any ailments caused by the susen nomen. You know, your birth clan is known for having a great strength in their genjustu. It's what made the Ishida clan a prominent choice for ruling the kingdom. All of that strength, that power. It made me wonder why your father chose me."

"Maybe the kingdom needs a ruler without genjustu. Your strategies are unmatched, and your wise enough to know when to fight and when to be charismatic." Mei pointed out. "Plus, at least on the mainland, it's hard to master all five elements of ninjutsu. To this day I can't do any lightning style. But you, from what I can recall, can do it all."
Isao tilted his head, fighting a coy smile. "Yes, although it drains my chakra a bit faster than most other elements. It was your father that trained me."

Mei stood up, leaning against the wall. "He's supposed to visit me in Konoha soon, maybe by the time we get back he'll be there."
"Please send him my regards when you do." Isao nodded, walking towards the doors leading to the garden. "I'd imagine his mission is still ongoing, given that anyone has hardly heard from him."
Mei nodded, following him and taking his arm.
"I hope he's alright. It's concerning that he's out there alone. At least my brother has Papa Jiraiya."
Isao smiled at the nickname. "Has Master Jiraiya mentioned anything about the next book in the series? Don't tell him, but the last book feels... Rushed."
"Right?!" She exclaimed. "I don't know what the hell happened."
Mei felt relieved by the small talk. She has been in her head for days contemplating the same 3 things, and the change of topic was more than welcome.

There was a few quick knocks on the door. When Isao called them inside Mei saw the Shizune enter and bow.
"Good evening, your majesty. Lady Tsunade has asked for Meilani's presence."
Isao nodded, smiling at Meilani again.
"I'll see you at the dinner. Perhaps we can schedule a visit to each other's home soon. I can create a collection of the Isle's history and traditions. Oh, and can't forget the best foods."
"I'd love that." Mei beamed, offering her hand for their goodbyes. He accepted it, and as their foreheads touched, he whispered.
"If you and Naruto ever need a safe place, you both are more than welcome to find sanctuary on the island."
Mei squeezed his hand tighter. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, your grace."


"Is everything alright, Auntie Tsunade?"
Tsunade looked up from shuffling her deck of cards.
"Everything is fine, more than fine. You did well in the meeting. Despite Onoki's accusatory behavior, you certainly proved your allegiance to the Leaf. And swayed Lady Mei to your side when it comes to alliances. Tomorrow, they plan to discuss their own trading routes with King Isao. It seems that everyone is curious about the Islands."
Mei sat beside Shizune, amused by her look of dread whilst Tsunade set the card game up between them.
"It's not a meeting where we need to be there out of necessity, but I'd like to stay another day and visit the hot gambling spots in this village. I overheard that there are plenty, with many old fools that blow all their money away." Tsunade grinned mischievously. "If you're comfortable enough to travel on your own, you can head back to the Leaf after dinner."

Mei's mouth fell open slightly, and under the table she began to press her thumb into her palm.
"But what if you need me?"
"I have the others that can assist me. And I stress that word, I am a Sannin after all."
Mei swallowed hard, her shoulders slouching an inch. She watched the two play as she contemplated. The thought of seeing Kakashi earlier than expected quickened her heart, even with the tightness in her chest remaining. She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she thought of her answer, wondering if he'd be filled with excitement or dread when he sees her. She thought of his actions and his words, the advice of Isao and the comments from Genma.

Even so, Mei sensed a strange heaviness in her stomach. Almost as though she were nauseous, but instead of feeling ill she felt uneasy. The sensation made her hesitant. It's not as though it was because of Kakashi, but something she couldn't quite place...
"I'd rather be cautious, Auntie Tsunade. As confident as I am in you and the squad, it'd be better to have another hand if anything happens. But," she leaned forward "are the dens a good idea, Auntie? Lord Tsuchikage might get more 'brilliant' opinions if he sees you enjoying yourself."

Tsunade grumbled. "So, what? The old man will talk to matter what."
Shizune raised an eyebrow, her tight lips firmly pressing together as she showed her hand.
"Damn it!"
"I'd take this as a sign, milady." Shizune covered the bottom half of her face to hide the redness. "O-or we can try your hand tonight. See how things play."
"You shouldn't be away from the village for too long." Mei noted, keeping eye contact despite Tsunade's scowl.
"You punks don't know how to have fun," she slammed her losing deck onto the table. "Fine. We'll leave in the morning, but don't bother me any more tonight!"

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