Chapter Twenty-Four: An Unwelcome Occurrence

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Just about everyone in Konoha who had ever paid attention to him was acquainted with Kakashi's apathetic expression. Many, particularly those after his attention, had attempted to break his impassive gaze through flirtation or antagonism. None were really successful, and the few who did succeed were the ones who understood him more than most. Guy, Tenzo, and the beautiful Princess he sat across from.
To everyone in the buzzing, elegant restaurant he might seem bored. With his chin resting on his palm and his head tilted slightly to the left. When in reality, he was entranced by Meilani. The lilac dress he chose matched her perfectly in every sense. Amplifying her hair, her golden-brown skin, those coffee toned eyes. Even the necklace she finally took back accentuated the outfit. He swore she livened up the entire building. The corners of his lips curved up with the small wiggling she danced after every bite she enjoyed.
"I am stuffed," she sighed, pushing away the finished plate. "I can't eat another bite."
"I take it you don't want a sweet treat then?"

Mei pursed her lips. "Maybe after a walk."
Kakashi quickly paid and offered his arm, his heart quickening at the feeling of her free hand gliding along his chest. He wanted to blame his heart and his creeping blush on the warm sake they shared. But the truth is, it's because of the hold she had on him.
Although it's possible both are to blame.
"You know, I think I'll pass on sweets tonight," she sighed, her hand still along his chest. "I haven't been wanting them much lately."
He closed his eyes with a hum. Still, they continued to roam until their feet led them to a familiar bench resting under a tree.
Mei blinked, gazing up at her beloved.
He tucked a strand behind her ear. She leaned into the contact, allowing his fingers to linger.

"I, just want to make sure you're doing okay." His eyes were soft as he spoke. "You've been awfully quiet these past few days."
She resisted a frown, her eyes flickering to the dirt path below them.
"It's... Not you. It's just been rough." She answered quietly. "Finally heard back from Naruto. He's upset about what happened, but isn't mad at me... I find myself staring at the wall a lot. Where Hachi landed."
He moved his arm so that it loosely held her lower back. Making sure that the placement was respectful while he brushed his thumb back and forth along the fabric.
"It's not your fault," he spoke. "You made him feel safe in the end. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself."
She remained silent, thinking back to nearly a decade before.

The streets of Konoha were eerily silent. At least, to Meilani as she traveled towards Kakashi's house. She had heard what happened from Minato. The moment he entered the doorway, she felt the heaviness he carried. When their eyes met, the crease in his forehead deepened.
"What happened?" Mei breathed, forcing down the tension in her throat to prepare for whatever's next. Minato glanced at her and Kushina before staring at the floor.

Meilani had just become a Chunin,and had yet to experience a deep loss. It's true, she grieved with Obito's death, but she never had the chance to grow close with him. Like the way she grew close with Rin.
Mei watched Minato gather his words. Aware of the forming pit in her stomach, her eyes already began to well with tears.
"Rin is gone, Mei."
Kushina gasped, her hands clasping over her mouth. Meilani bit down on her trembling lip. Eventually she lost the internal battle and let out a small sob.
"What went wrong? What about Guy and Kakashi?"

Her father figure stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on top of her head.
"They're alive. Guy just took Kakashi home from the hospital. He's, going to need some time."
Mei shook her head, shoving her feet into her sandals.
"He shouldn't be alone!"
Ignoring their calls, Mei stormed out, keeping a steady pace until she was sure Minato wouldn't follow. It was then her feet slowed, her trembling breath still heavy.
Her heart beat rapidly, and she could sense the denial growing. But she knew better, her mind repeated Minato's words.
Rin is gone.

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