Chapter Fourteen- A Confession... Gone Wrong?

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The early afternoon light peaking through the curtains did nothing to wake Meilani from her disturbing dream. She walked through the Nara clan's forest, during a hot summer's day. She heard the sound of kunai clanging and pained cries, and she ran towards the noise. When she got there, she gasped in horror; the dead bodies of Sakura, Lee, Hinata, Shikamaru and even her father were spread through a clearing. All of them with broken limbs and blood coming out of their mouths or eyes. As for the fighting, Naruto was held above the ground by the throat, gaping for air and clawing at Itachi's steady hand.
"Itachi!" she cried out. Slowly, he turned his head to look at her.
"Not only did you swear to keep my secret, but you so desperately kept your promise to forget about me,"
Mei's chest heaved rapidly as her brother's lips turn blue.
"I thought it would've taken you years, not months to replace me."
"Itachi, stop!"

"Meilani! Naruto!"
Itachi glanced at an approaching Kakashi and threw Naruto aside. His head landing first with a sickening crunch. Mei sobbed and ran to her brother, lying too still under her hands.
"Kakashi," she shrieked. "Don't!"
The two were locked in a duel between Itachi's katana and Kakashi's kunai when Itachi sliced at his bicep, forcing him to drop the blade. In a fluid motion he slashed through his chest.
"I will take everything, and everyone you love." Itachi swore. "Then you will know what it's like to witness the loss of everything you've cared for!"

Meilani jolted awake, in the arms of Kakashi. She scrambled to a sitting position, her heart erratically beating. She combed her hair back with her fingers, gripping her curls close to her scalp.
Kakashi said nothing as he sat up, wiping the tears slipping down her face. He frowned at her quivering chin, pulling her into his chest.
"I couldn't wake you," he held Mei's body to him steadily. Kissing the top of her head, and then the back of her shoulder. Mei felt her heart slow down, eyes shut tight.
"Did I wake you up?"
He was quiet for a moment. "You were talking in your sleep." He leaned over to observe her face better. "You kept saying 'Itachi.'"

Meilani faced him, her nose brushing against his. Kakashi's open eye drooped more than normal, with a greyish hue under his lids. And while that did bother her deeply, it didn't bother her as much as his tone. It was strained, almost ambivalent. Meilani pressed her forehead against his chin, blaming her sensitivity on her lack of sleep.
"It was a horrible dream."
He remained silent, tracing the side of her arm with his fingers. Mei took deep breaths, the callousness of his skin grounding her.
"I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep," she grumbled, rising up. "You should stay and sleep in, beloved."
Kakashi leaned against the bedframe. "What are you gonna do?"

Mei shrugged. "I guess go for a run, train a bit before I go on patrols."
"If you have time," he moved an arm behind his head. "I'd like to have dinner with you."
"Would you?" She held an elbow. "I thought you wanted to talk."
Kakashi watched her anxious eyes, and noticed the heel of her foot bouncing.
"We can, and we will."
"You're kind of scaring me." Meilani gulped slowly, realizing her foot was shaking aggressively and stopped it short.
"I want you to teach me the 'whispers of the wind,'" he responded. His stomach felt heavy, knowing full well that wasn't the issue. But he needed more time to sort out why the words he overheard affected him in such a way.
"Really?" She questioned. "Is that what's been on your mind?"

"It's a good way to communicate, if one of us needs the other."
Mei's inner brows pulled closer together. The same heat on her face she dealt with the past couple of days returned. She took a deep breath through her nose, moving around her room to gather clothes.
He might be able to deflect and avoid everyone else. But that shit isn't gonna fly by me.
"I wish you'd tell me what's going on with you," she changed into training clothes with her back turned to him. The joggers and sports bra essentially flew on with her rapidness. "If I did something, or said something then let me know so I can fix it. But if you want to continue avoiding honesty, then fine. Feel free to talk to me when you're ready."
Kakashi's brows pulled together, biting back a snippy response. Meilani snatched her gear up and shut the room door with detectible attitude. Kakashi sighed deeply, lying his head against the headboard with more force than usual. His hand rubbed his entire face, the feeling in his stomach sinking lower. After a few minutes of silence, he moved off of the bed, away from her comforting scent lingering on the pillows, and headed home.

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