Chapter Fifteen- A Vain Pursuit

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Mei glanced at the plate of cookies left behind and sighed shakily. Her eyes stung with hot tears, and she stared up at the ceiling whilst biting her trembling lip. Neither action stopped the tears from their eventual downfall. Sobbing, her feet led her to the bathroom, where she grabbed a few tissues to blot the corners of her eyes.
"He didn't say it back," she cried, gripping the counter to keep herself from collapsing onto the floor. Mei tried holding her breath to stifle another sob, but that only made her chest heave sharper when she gasped for air. The sobs wrenched through her body painfully.
He didn't say it back.... It doesn't even seem like he trusts me. Let alone believe me.

Mei closed her eyes and took a steady, deep breath. She let out a dry chuckle noticing her smudged mascara, pulling another tissue and patting most of it away. She stared at herself with a pitiful gaze, not even bothering to brush apart the few lashes clumped together by the makeup.
"What a waste of an outfit." She uttered, checking the dress for any tear stains. Mei pursed her lips, begrudgingly searching for the zipper. Her fingers paused as they brushed it, and she watched her reflection idly.
"Fuck it," she made her way to the kitchen, turning off the oven. Glaring at the plate of abandoned cookies, she picked up the porcelain and slammed the taunting bastards to the ground.

"I need a drink. Or five."
She had just finished strapping on her heels when she heard a few clear knocks on the door.
"Meilani, open the door."
Her hands balled into fists, a fresh layer of tears coating her eyes. She then ripped the necklace from its resting spot, and hurled it against the door.
"Fuck off!"
Knowing full well that not only was the door still unlocked, but he still had the spare, Mei nearly launched herself to her balcony and leaped to the closest rooftop, hissing at the pinch her foot sustained beside her smallest toe.
Better she endure that than more of Kakashi's bitterness.
She pressed her body against a rooftops door, where she assumed maintenance workers would use to access the apartments vents. She closed her eyes, listening for any hint of Kakashi spotting her. Mei held her breath, listening to the wind until a quiet whoosh to the right of her passed by. Only then did she move on to the next rooftop in the opposite direction.

The streets were busier than Mei would have preferred. Unfortunately, jumping across rooftops in a snug fitting dress and heels wasn't the most ideal. After perhaps the 3rd rooftop Meilani made her way down and strode towards Kurenai's apartment. She hated herself with every turn of the head. The feeling of shrapnel tearing at her heart was agonizing, enough to make her want to claw at her chest. Her dress felt suffocating, but she couldn't stand the thought of being in her apartment for another second.
Meilani sniffled, unable to smell the familiar pine and scents of various family dinners. She couldn't feel the cool, crisp air wisping across her face and skin, giving her hair a floating appearance. Or perhaps it was her rage that caused her hair to move on its own.

She understood Kakashi's anger and confusion, truly. But for him to express it in such a way, in a vulnerable time, it shook every nerve in her body.
Meilani's heels dug into the dirt with every livid step.
Her knuckles rapped against the apartment door quickly, soon using her entire fist. Her knocks quickly became aggressive and more anger slipped through, up until she heard it unlocking from the inside.
Kurenai peaked her head out, adjusting her red robe. "Mei? What's going on?"

A sob escaped her lips, pushing past Kurenai to pace across her genkan.
"I hate him," She answered. "I hate Kakashi for being such a dismissive, withdrawn prick!"
Kurenai's eyes widened, jumping at Meilani kicking the extra pair of shoes beside her.
"I'm so stupid for ever thinking we would work. For thinking he was changing his stubborn, self-destructive ways. I'm stupid for thinking he'd-"
Mei stopped short, gasping when she noticed Asuma stumbling into the room adjusting his belt. She looked between him and Kurenai, who was still flushed in the face.
"Shit," Mei pulled her hair back. "I'm sorry, I'll just go."
"Wait, hold on." Kurenai couldn't stop her friend from fleeing her apartment. Leaving her and Asuma looking at each other completely stumped.
"What the hell just happened?" He asked, fixing his backwards shirt.
"I've no idea." Kurenai shook her head. "But it sounds bad. I'm going to go look for her."

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