Chapter Six- A Needed Conversation

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After the battle...

In a fatigued daze, Mei forced her weak eyelids to open. The first thing she noticed were the soft pink curtains glowing from the daylight. She breathed in deeply and turned her head to follow the scent of fresh green tea, and the tiniest hint of sake.
"Auntie Tsunade?" She croaked.

Tsunade's eyes raised from her folder and grinned softly. "Well, it's about time."
Tsunade held a hand over Mei's shoulder when she tried to sit up.
"Are we home?"
"We're on the island, Mei." She answered. "The Isle of Dreams, in the Kingdom of Memory."
Meilani laid still as Tsunade's hands glowed a soft green, analyzing her body.
"Your leg has been healed, but you nearly exhausted all of your chakra. You've been in and out for 4 days now."
She laid her hand on her chest, relief flooding when she felt her necklace still around her. The cut that she received seemed to have been healed without leaving a scar.

"Why?" Slowly, with assistance, Meilani was able to sit up being supported by pillows. "Where's...?"
Tsunade pressed a cup of water to her lips and didn't move until she took a few sips. "He's with Isao and the King. It took a few days, but thankfully the two can now put aside their testosterone and be civil."
The two women spent the next hour catching each other up on previous events. Lady Fifth listened intensely to Meilani's stories, holding onto her hand tightly by the end.
Before Tsunade's turn, they were interrupted by Sakura bringing lunch for the two of them. Meilani was happy to see a familiar face. And both tried to ignore Meilani's lack of manners as she ate.
"I can most definitely say that you have endured what no one should ever go through. And while the outcome wasn't the worst, it must have been terrifying nonetheless."
Meilani swallowed hard, ignoring the stinging in her eyes. "I'm just glad the bastard's not on this earth anymore. What about Yuri?"

Tsunade's brows pulled together. "I would say she's suffered a fate worse than death." Her mouth twitched downward as Meilani scarfed down the last of her rice. "It turns out your father has his own kekkei genkai. Yuri will now spend the rest of her life repeating her best memories. She's in the hospital's care until further notice."
"The rest of her life?" She questioned. "She won't remember anything else, or make any more?"

Tsunade shook her head. "It turns out Yuri had other motives. Besides her mother's choice to stay under Ingyo's reign. She had framed the Leaf as your kidnappers. As it turned out, it was her Lord Fourth and Obito Uchiha almost caught that day when you were found. When she returned, she thought it best to warp the story as best she could to keep herself from suspicion... Your father has more details, if you feel like you need more."
Meilani leaned her head back with pinched brows. "So, what happens now?"

"That's up to you." She replied. She ate a few spoonfuls of her soup before continuing. Meilani's brows stayed together while she waited until Tsunade spoke again. "You've helped save an entire island."
"I looked for a rock. Besides that, all I did was get people killed."
Tsunade frowned. "Ah yes, the Moonstone. Meiji tried to use it to keep you here. After learning about your mother, his heart changed completely."
Meilani pursed her lips. "Where is it?" She asked quietly. Tsunade held her hand tight.
"With Asuma and Genma. They intend on handing it back as soon as you make your choice."

"My choice?"
Tsunade tucked a curl behind Meilani's ear. The gentle action stunned Mei.
"You've done much for the Leaf," she began. "Enough to where I think you've earned an early retirement. Regardless of the Elders' protests... You can be happy here. Spend your days fulfilling royal duties, go to luxurious parties..."

Meilani exhaled through her nose in a way that resembled a chuckle. "Just because I read about fantasy and fairy tales doesn't mean I want to be in one... I can't do that to Naruto. Or to Konoha."
   Tsunade's lips gave a hint of a smile. "I understand. I will go and-"
"Take me with you," Mei pleaded, taking Tsunade's hand again. She frowned when Tsunade shook her head.
"You finish your food, I'll come back for you."
Meilani grumbled under her breath as she was left alone. She glanced around the cream colored room, fiddling with the sleeve of her pajamas. She admired the silky fabric and it's peachy tone. And despite being the middle of winter she found the yukata quite warm.
Although, the eerie quietness unsettled her. Her eyes caught the sight of plain beige slippers on the floor. Grinning, she carefully drug her legs over the edge and began to wiggle her feet and legs. Mei had been so focused on standing up one foot at a time, she didn't hear a rush of footsteps advancing from outside the door.

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