Chapter 71: Night Raid

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"Hey... don't you feel like... something's strange?"

A devil soldier asked as he ate a simple hard bread. Dosing it in water to make it softer before taking a bite. Making the other two devils beside him raise their eyebrows in response. Wondering what's wrong with him.


"... It just feels like... Something's watching us"

He said while rubbing his arm. Making one of the two devils beside him sigh before looking at him with a mocking expression as if he was looking at an idiot.

"Don't be ridiculous. Do you even know where we are? We're in the middle of one of the main camps, and this place is protected by dozens of high-class devils. Who would dare spy on this place when we have such a powerful force in the camp?"

The devil said. Not noticing a bot, peering down above them with its single-eye lens in the middle of its body. Permanently cloaked with a layer of stealth that by passed all kinds of detection mechanisms and magic that the camp had. Silently observing them while dozens of other such machines were roaming around the camp. Gathering information about them and providing a clearer view of the structure of the camp.

 Gathering information about them and providing a clearer view of the structure of the camp

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"You're so fucking weak... did you get paranoid because of the battle moments ago? What? Did you piss your pants off fear?"

"T-That's not it..."

He said before he and the other two devils suddenly felt a hand cover their mouths tightly. Making them widen their eyes in surprise before quickly trying to activate a simple magic attack to push the figures behind them away. But was far too slow as the cloaked figures immediately stabbed a green energy blade through their neck. Puncturing through their thyroid gland and several nerves connecting their body to the brain. 

"Be quiet"

The figure, who came out of their stealth, said to them as they tightly held their mouth. Preventing them from leaking any noise or screams that would alert the other devil soldiers around them. Making the figures, the [Dark Templars] slowly placed down their corpses, whose bloodshot eyes were wide open, on the floor. Looking around them to check if anyone was close to them before grabbing the corpses and teleporting out of the camp. Getting rid of any traces of them being there.


One of the high-class devils guarding the gate said as he felt several presences disappear inside of the camp. Making him let out a frown before he raised his hand. Signaling for his partner to remain wary as he felt like something was wrong with the camp.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you feel it? A lot of middle and low-class devils' presences are disappearing one by one..."

He said before he felt another two or three devils close to their location disappear. Making him let out a frown as he raised his guard. Feeling a bit nervous not to the fact that the presence that he can detect was decreasing, but due to how quiet the camp is. As if nothing was wrong, and everyone was just resting inside. 

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