Chapter 75: Negotiations

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"Exalted one, a legion of 6,000 devils was seen by our observers marching to our land"

A high templar said as he flew behind Hiroto, who was organizing the Colossus and Mothership who just returned to the base. Making Hiroto raise his eyebrows in response. Not expecting them to be this quick to react.

"You, organize the colossus while I meet the guests. Make sure that they won't appear to be too scattered and place them all behind our base"

"As you command"

"Rimuru!! Let's go!!"

He shouted, causing Rimuru, who was on top of one of the colossi to jump off and fall in his arms. Making Hiroto hurriedly grab him and place him on his shoulder. To make him appear as a simple pet that he takes care of.

"Are we going to war?"

"No... lets us see first what they're planning before we do any drastic moves, but even if they do attack us, they wouldn't be able to do anything drastic. Attacking us with 6,000 devils is just plain suicidal. Especially when we even showed a few of our capabilities to them in our past battles with their military camps"

He said before his outfit suddenly distorted and changed to his usual modern black general outfit. Making Rimuru slide inside his jacket, causing his expression to relax due to how comfortable and warm it was inside Hiroto's clothes.

"You confuse me, Rimuru"


Hiroto said to Rimuru who was clinging to his body, causing Rimuru to look up at him in confusion. Wondering what he was talking about as they moved towards the entrance of their base, where they saw a handsome, white-haired man, standing in front the base with an arrogant and sharp look on his face. Ignoring the hostile glares that the [Archons] and [Adepts] who were guarding the borders of their base.

"Let them in"

Hiroto said, causing the [Archons] to move aside. Letting the devil, Lucifer, and his army pass through their defenses. Making Lucifer widely smile as he saw Hiroto standing in front of them with an expressionless face.

"I'm grateful that you allowed us to be graced by your presence... general. I'm Lucifer, the ruler of the devil faction. I hope you don't mind our abrupt visit"

"Cut the crap and get to the point"

"Hmm... Quite hasty and straightforward, aren't we? Aren't you first going to invite us to take a seat in your place? Our conversation might take a while after all"

He said, causing Hiroto to glance in the direction of the high-class devils lined behind him with a frown on his face. Making Lucifer sigh before waving his hand beside him. Signaling for his subordinates to stay outside while he converses with him. 

"Please pardon my subordinates. I can't just come here empty-handed since you are the one who killed thousands of our kind without mercy"

"I understand... but it's not like a few camps would have any drastic effect on your army, correct? They were just in the way, and I felt a bit threatened. So, I had no choice but to kill them off before they have any plans of attacking us"

Hiroto said with a smile on his face, causing Lucifer to feel a bit annoyed as felt like he was being mocked. Making him secretly take a deep breath to regain his composure.

"So, what did you come here for? Are you here to force us to bow our heads and surrender to you?"

"Of course not, we already have our hands full in this war so making another enemy isn't that beneficial for us but... your existence also post a bit of a problem to us devils so, I had no choice but to confront you today. Of course, we have no ill intentions of coming here. We just wish to negotiate with you regarding your actions"

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