Chapter 17

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Normal POV

Helga was starting up the stairs and looked at Arnold.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Arnold did not notice that he looked a bit disheveled when he came out of the room. Like he was in a hurry.

"Oh, nothing is wrong. I just wanted to get in and out as quickly as I could."

"You didn't look, did you?"

"I saw the bag but did not look in the bag, I swear."

Helga looked at Arnold and sighed.

"Arnold, I told you so, please. Next time when I say I have a surprise, please listen to me, ok?"

"I swear I saw only outside of the bag. I don't know what is inside of it, really dont."

Helga pecked Arnold on the cheek, "Go shower, please, and get ready, please. I will finish up, and we can go."

"Okay, my love."

Arnold walked down the stairs.  Helga walked it to the bedroom. She quickly grabbed the bag and pulled what was in it out.  She threw her robe on bed and  put them on. She then threw her costume on. She then made her way to the desk to grab her makeup and finished getting ready.  By the time she was done, Arnold walked in.

"And finished, what do you think?

Arnold looked at Helga in awe and was shocked. 
"You look so...." he could not think of the words, "I don't have the word for gorgeous you look. Let me get the suit on, and we can go." He said while walking to Helga and kissing her on the forehead.

"Arnold, I have a dumb question."

Arnold was in the walk-in closet, and he peeked his head out, "Ask away."

"Do you truly love me?"

At this point, Arnold walked out the closet and made his way to Helga. He looked straight into her eyes.

"Helga, I have loved you for a long while. I just did not know that till the day you did leave. Honestly, I was so devastated when you left I thought part of me was missing. I think that is why I started to date Lila. I thought I loved her. But no, I never told that I did. I loved her. She made me say it once, but I never meant it. Not like with you."

"I had no idea! Arnold, how can you be that sure. I have known I love you since preschool. When you were nice to me.  I love how you see me when no one else has really has. My family really did not care for me. Well, except for Olga. I may have always been annoyed with her, but now I see she does care.  Miriam was a drunk and well Bob. We all know how he is. You have a big family here. You have been shown love...."

Helga did not even finish her thought when Arnold made his way over and pulled her into his arms. He then placed both hands on either side of her face and kissed her. She was shocked at first, then melted in his kiss. As he kissed her,  his hands slid down to hold her in his embrace. After about a minute or two they pulled apart.

"Helga, I have known unconditional love of a family. But our love here is forever, and it is the realistic thing I could ever feel with anyone. You may have been a bully to me growing up, but when I was at my lowest, you were there. Yes, you picked on me, but you showed concern for me and did not give me crappy advice. I have known that you loved me for a while now. Remember the locket you used to carry around."

Her face went red, "You know about that?"

"Yes, I put two and two together. I remember in grade school you would hide. I would notice the chain. when Grandpa had it, I kinda guessed when it went missing.  It all cleared up when I was helping you with your room."

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