Chapter 2

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Arnold's POV
Today was a bit hard for me to focus. She has changed a lot. She is so much kinder then when we were younger. Thinking back ....

.... In fourth grade she was always there for me. Even if I never wanted her there. When fifth grade hit, and she was becoming nicer I was starting to like her. The day she came up to us and told all of us she was moving... I was really devastated. I even asked her father if she could live with me and my grandparents. Mr. Pataki was so stubborn.

"There is no way in hell I will let this screw up live here without me to keep her in line. Besides I don't want her to grow up with the likes of an orphan boy like you!" he told me the day I asked if she could move in with me.

"Bob How could you? Leave Arnold alone! Besides Bob he has more common sense unlike you. He shows me that he cares for me. And he doesn't make me feel like I am the worst thing in the world. He has always shown respect towards me. Never putting me down. Besides Bob when have you and Miriam ever shown me that you really wanted me around? Tell me that do you even loved me like a daughter? It was always Olga she got the praise and attention." She told her father as she was to hide something from me.

"Orphan boy get the hell out of here. No way in this lifetime I will ever let her out of my sight. Get out of my home! NOW!"

I stared at Helga I could almost read her eyes. They looked like......

Well, I can't be thinking of that just now I need to forget the past. By the way I can't wait to hear from Lila. But, on the other hand I can't help but to think that she is not telling me something.

"Shortman, you have a post card from Arnie!" grandpa said as he walked in my room.

I get up from the coach and read the post card.

Dear Arnold,

I got to thinking that I want to come and see you soon. I have not seen you in a while. I have to tell you about my trip to L.A. I ran into Lila and she seems to be doing really well. Well, I will be taking a bus the day before Halloween, so I am there that night. We can spend Halloween with each other.


"That's weird both Lila and Arnie are coming back just before Halloween."

I was thinking why they both are arriving so close in dates. But I am just over thinking it. I guess I have to prepare for their arrival day. I was so deep in thought that when my phone went off, I jumped.


"Hey dude come over to Phoebe's we are all studying!" Gerald told me.

"I don't know man?"

"Dude she is inviting Helga over!"

"I guess I will be right over."

"Are you all right you sound like you have a lot on your mind?"

"I will text you about it as I walk there!"

"Ok see you when you get here!"

Helga POV
Arnold has changed a lot over the years. He has grown muscles. And changed his hair. It is still blonde, but he has brushed it back I just love how he looks.

"Helga get your butt down here right now!" Bob bellows from the kitchen to me.

I sighed and got up from my desk. When I walk downstairs I hear him yelling on the phone.

"How dare you call her for that no-good brat goodbye!"

Who could be calling me?

"I have told you to never let your friends call here. Especially long distance!"

"Bob who was it?"

"That does not matter I don't want you to have any friends of yours calling her. You better find a job too I am not supporting you forever!"

"Yes, Bob I have a job interview at the bookstore. I applied back in Florida. So, I will not be home till 5:00 tomorrow I will go there after school. Can I go back to my room and finish my homework?"

"Get out of my face!"

I went back to my room to finish my homework and I got a text from Phoebe.

"What is with your dad?"

"I don't know Pheebs? Why do you ask?"

"I just called you and he yelled at me? It doesn't matter come over we will finish our homework together?"

He yelled at phoebe if I could only tell him off. I got my things together and I went to leave.

"I AM GOING TO PHOEBES TO FINSH MY HOMEWORK AND TO CATCH UP ON WHAT I HAVE MISSED BE BACK AT 9:00 BYE!" I yelled at my parents even though they don't listen to me.

When I got to Phoebe's house her mother answered the door.

"Hi dear! Phoebe is upstairs.  So, go on up. By the way Gerald and Arnold are here."

"Arnold and Gerald are here? She did not say anything about that."

"Just go up I am going to go and get stuff for dinner for us all, so you kids behave!"

She walked out of the door, and I went upstairs. I saw them all sitting around Phoebe's table.

"Helga come sit down!" Phoebe said with excitement.

"Hey Pataki." Gerald waved to me.

Arnold just smiled as I sat down. I pulled out my homework then we continued on the assignments. Well, this is going to be a long night.

Normal POV
About an hour and half went by. Then they went to eat with Phoebe's parents Arnold and Gerald left and went home. While Helga and Phoebe hung out and chit chatted till about eight o'clock then she went home. She knew the hell she would have to deal with at home. Bob getting mad because she is not home. 

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