Chapter 10

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Helga's POV
I was in shock when Arnold said that we were dating.  Finally, the boy I have been crushing on since I was in preschool is my boyfriend.  Who would of knew me Helga G. Pataki and Arnold Shortman together forever.  I would kick anyone that tried to steal him from me butt.

"Arnold, can I ask you something?"

"You just did Helga." he started to laugh a bit and I did too.  "Go ahead."

"You were serious about dating and not getting back at Lila?"

"Helga, I realized that I really like you and meant it.  I also wanted to get back at her. I wanted to ask you out anyways. We both deserve better in life and relationships." he said rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh Arnold, I love you so much I will never do anything to hurt you!" I wrap my arms around him and I feel his arms around my waist. After we broke from our hug, I picked the laptop off the bench outside Lila's house and got in the car to leave for home.

We went up to his room to watch some movies or TV whatever we could find.  Before I got to his room, I did grab a book to read just in case nothing was on, or no movies caught our eye.
He picked out an action movie as I set my book down.
He looked at the book and blushed a bit, "Umm Helga that is a really graphic novel!"

"I have really have not gotten the chance to start it how would you know?"

"Well, I read the back of fifty shades of grey to see what it was about well.... Yeah, no thank you not my style you can read it if you want to."

"Do you think some girl really wants any of that stuff in the book done to her....  I know not me!"

"OK well go ahead then enjoy it!"

After that it was a bit awkward but when the movie started, I began to get bored with the movie. I picked up the book and began reading.

Arnold's POV

It was weird Helga rested her head on my lap as she was reading. I started to stroke her hair.  When I looked down, she was halfway through the book.

"Wow you read fast!" her face was blushing, and I swear I could see her getting a bit antsy.

"Umm yeah not a slow reader I normally can finish a book between 2 -5 hours.  Had a lot of time to read, but you were right about this book OMG graphic it all about....  Sex! " She gulped before she finished that sentence.

I giggled a bit at her, "I warned you."

She gave me a look.  I can't believe I have never felt this way even with Lila. I have this urge to just kiss all the time.   My heart raced really fast and in my throat.

I leaned down to her and just started kissing her.  She sat up a bit and we just sat there kissing.

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