Chapter 3

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Helga POV
I can't believe that it is another day at school I just can't wait for Halloween. Two weeks I am counting the days down.

"Hey Helga how did you sleep last night?" a voice behind me said startling me.

I look behind and I realized that is was Arnold, "You should never sneak up on me when I am half asleep!" I sort of snap at him, "I am sorry I was having trouble sleeping last night!"

"Why is that?"

"Well I could hear Bob last night yelling at his accountant. What you mean this and what you mean that..." I sighed then looked down at the grown, "But, other then that I am also excited about this job interview I have today after school!"

"Cool where is the interview?"

"The book store. This means I will not have much time to hang out. I really don't want to work when I am in school."

"Then why you getting a job?" He said giving me a questionably look.

"Well Arnold, Bob told me back in Floridia that I have to get a job. He is sick and tired of supporting me. It is bad enough that he has to support a drunk and that is draining him dry. And he has to also support the wonderful Olga. His perfect daughter. Sometimes I wonder if he ever loved me."

"Well that is so mean of him! You know if you want to stay away from home...." He stopped and looked at me, "...That offer still stands."

"What offer?"

"Well that offer about moving into the boarding house with my family."

"Well, I don't have a job to pay for a room and Bob will never allow it. I have to stay in his house till I am at least 17."

"Well, you are 16 and your birthday coming up soon?"

"You know Football Head my birthday is not till April right.  But we can get things prepared for that day.  How about after school you come with me, and I will go with you after the interview, and we talk to your grandparents."

The school was only a block away and I was happy to hear that he wants me to stay with him.

"That is a great idea I can't wait. I will meet you by your locker after school."

When we arrived to the school we had a few minutes to get to our lockers and then straight to class.

Normal POV
Arnold was excited to have his friend move in with him. Well he would like to be with her, but that is hard when he is in love with Lila and she is coming back in a week. And then there is Arnie that will come and visit him.

The day went by pretty quick for them and before they knew it the day was over. Helga went to her locker and Arnold was leaning on her locker.

"Please can you scoot so I can get in?" She asked him with a smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy about?"

"Well Football Head I am happy because I just might be able to get out of Big Bob's clutches. I can finally do whatever I would like to. But sadly, not till April I don't know if I could last that long."

"Oh, ok well let's get you to the interview right now so we can talk to Grandpa about moving you in.  Who knows we can get your dad to I don't know maybe kick you out or let you go sooner."

Arnold POV

We walked to the bookstore, and she went into the back while I waited outside. I quickly called Grandpa.

"Hey Grandpa I have a Question?"

"Yes Shortman?"

"Well I have a friend that is getting a job. I was wondering if you can give her a deal on a room. See she wants to move out of her house from her parents and she still in school. How much is rent for everybody else?"

"Well $300 I can give her a deal $100 and she has to pay for food with us too. So all together $150 how does that sound?"

"Great when we get there she is going to talk to you so please act like I never asked you ok!"

"Okee-dokee Shortman I will see you soon."

I hung up the phone and I was so happy that he was giving her a deal. She walks out with a bigger smile.

"Arnold, I got the job!" she hugs me, and I can feel her heart beating fast. She then pulls away fast trying to hide it.

"Congratulations lets go talk to Grandpa!"

We walked to my house. The weird thing is that the bookstore was not that far. We walked in and Grandpa greeted us at the door.

"Hey Shortman how was school?"

"It was great Helga would like to talk to you!"

"Arnold told me that you can give me a deal on a room. "Helga told Grandpa.

"Yes, I can Helga. My I ask how old you are?"

"I am 16 going to be 17 in April."

"Ok since you are still in school and so young. I will rent a room for $100 and an additional $50 for food. If we need a bit of money for anything else we would talk to you. Let me show you the room that you can have." He started to walk upstairs to where she would be staying. We walked into a nice room with nice twin bed and some old curtains. It had a small fridge and an old T.V. It also had a desk and a walk in closet. She looked around and she was in love with the room right away. "You can have this room. Do you have a job right now?"

"Yes I do I start on Monday and I get twenty-five hours a week. I also get $7.50 an hour. So I will have a good check every two weeks."

"You can start moving your stuff in anytime you want. But, when your first check comes you have to pay me $150 a month and you can pay security deposit over time just through in a few extra cash once in a while and I will count it on the deposit. If you want to paint or put-up pictures that is fine with me. Just no really loud noises ok I will leave you two."

Grandpa walked away and I could see Helga smiling. I realized what room this was and were it was. Right under my room.

Normal POV

"Arnold thanks you're my hero! Really I mean it. I want to stay the night to clean the room but I have to run home first and tell my dad something come with me?"

"Why do you need me to come with you?" He asked her confused.

"Bob never lets me do anything so I am going to tell him that I am going to be doing homework with Phoebe. That way I can take a bag of stuff over here. I want to slowly get my stuff over here."

"I still don't understand why I am going?"

"If he asks why then he might believe you!"

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