Chapter 12

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Arnold's POV
She is so adorable when she gets embarrassed about the little things.  I stand there in my towel drying my hair with another.
"Helga why are you shy about seeing me in a towel.  I mean it is not like you really see anything."
"Arnold, I have never.... Seen a man naked before.  And when I thought about dating you...I never thought it might actually happen because it never seemed like it would.  So, I am a bit new at all this stuff.  Are you use to it or something I mean like with Lila did you two... "
"Well, I hate to say it we did. But we used protection and everything. I don't really want to talk about her. " I sat next to her, "Helga when you're ready I would be happy to be your first. I will never push you into something that you don't want. I mean I would want your first time to be special."
She looked at me and the red in her face was a lot lighter like she was comfortable now. 
"Go get dressed so we can go please. "
"Where are we going?"
"Well, if you don't mind, I would love to go take photos and have a picnic. That's only if you want to?"
"I would love to. "
I quickly got dressed and we headed out.  We got to the nearby park and start going through. Helga was snapping pictures of almost everything she could. I looked down at my watch and it was about noon.
"Hey Helga let's eat." I say to her as she snaps a picture of me. I give her a look and she get another of me smiling at her.
"Arnold, do you hate your picture taken?"
"Not at all let's take one together!"
She sets the camera up to count a picture. We sit down and right about to take the picture she kisses my cheek.
"Perfect!" as she grabs the camera, "Let's eat!"
We sit down and eat talk a bit what we are going to do when we have to go back.  Then we talk about our hopes and dreams for after high school. We take a few more pictures of each other and before we know it it's after 3.

Helga POV
I love this boy I can be myself and he don't care.  I call him football head and he don't say anything. He called me baby and my face turned red. We get up to head back to the boardinghouse.
"Hey Arnold let's stop buy the bookstore so I can pick up my check OK. "
He smiles and we head over there. When we got there my manager looked at me.
"Helga are you alright?"
"Yes, I am now I will be out for a few more days I am so sorry!"
"What happened to you?"
"Well, a girl pushed me down the stairs and I sprained my wrist and then my father hit me in the hospital. He thinks he runs the world and can do what he wants."
"Well Helga take the time you need to get better especially with your arm. I don't want you to hurt it anymore at work. By the way Helga does your boyfriend there need a job?"
Arnold looked over, "Sir If you are offering, I would take it, but it would have to be about the same hours as her.  We are both students and we need to study for school. "
"Well, I am going to say this I have an opening for a manager position.  I was going to give it to Helga if that's OK with you. I hope you have no problem having your girlfriend as your boss?"
"Helga deserves it. It is no problem with me."
"Helga you are closing manager just you and Arnold till close I will pop in right before to lock the safe. You are to help with book orders and helping to pick what your younger generation will like.  You will get a raise and a bigger discount. Are you up for it?"
"Oh my gosh yes a million times yes!"

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