Chapter 14

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Helga POV
Grandpa and Olga were just fine with us sharing a room.  Olga was helping grandpa get money to make my room into a second bathroom. It is Halloween today and we have off of school.  I woke up next to my beloved Arnold and sneaked out of bed to go make some breakfast for the house. Grandpa must have had the same idea of cooking food.

"Helga! I wanted to talk to you."

"Yes Phil?"

"Seeing you're a great cook would you want to help me plan meals and maybe cook?"

"Well, I work till 8 most nights!"

"No, I mean take turns I am old I cannot get up early like you and cook in morning. Plus, I just need help planning dinners."

"I have an idea I cook breakfast for everyone and make a weekly menu and I can help with dinner when I don't work.  That way you can focus on the house."

"I was thinking you and Arnold can help with the house I am like 90 now and I don't trust that many people. I was going to show Arnold how to run this place soon. I don't know how much longer I have."

"Phil we would be honored to do that for you."

"OK you go back to sleep this is my last morning doing this. Do me one more thing?"


"Well 2 things get that lazy bum Oskar to get a job and help around here.  And take care of my Shortman, he loves you I know it. He used to ask me for advice on how to get you to be nicer and I got him to talk about his feelings for you."

"I can to both." I give him a hug and thanked him.

I headed back upstairs to find a sleeping Arnold. My Arnold I crawled into bed and as I did, he must have felt me moving the bed.

"Good morning sunshine." I said to him as I cuddled up to him. "Grandpa will talk to you later I think it might be a good thing."

"okay" he pulls me closer to him.
A bit of time went by I just had to ask, "Arnold...."he looked at me with sleepy eyes "have you thought about sex lately?"

His eyes widened a bit, "Helga I have but I don't want to push you into it I could live without it if you never want to."

"I mean I do I think I might be ready, but I am not sure."

Arnold's POV
The moment that she said that I was at a loss for words. I didn't know really what to do.  So, I kissed her.

"Helga when you know you're ready let me know. Like I said I don't want to push you into it. I would be happy to be your first. I love you I can wait for as long as you want to."

"How did you know?" I had to think about it to be honest I didn't know myself.

"Baby I don't remember myself because it was with Lila, I don't really know what I was thinking at the time. But I believe your heart would tell you. "

"Maybe it already is telling me that I am, but I am being naive about it. "

"Does this feel right?" as I kissed her soft lips.

"Yes Arnold!"

"How about this?" I kissed her neck.

"oh, Arnold it does" I did not want to stop there, but I stopped myself.

"Arnold please don't stop I mean I think I am ready!"

"Are you? You really think you might be ready to have sex now?"

"I might be please keep going!" ...

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