Chapter 15

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Arnold's POV
Helga is so beautiful I just want to take her now.  But my body and mind won't let me to go through with it. I mean for the past 45 minutes we have been kissing, but I cannot do it. So, I stopped pull away from her.

"Helga how about we wait a bit I want this to be special."

"Alright Arnold"

I felt so bad that we stopped but had too.  I mean I just want it to be special for her. It was not all that for me with Lila at least it should for one of us. I know it will be with her.  I love her so it has to be special and beautiful.

We lay in bed for about it an hour or so before going down to eat with the rest of boardinghouse.

"There they are!" grandpa said.

"Sorry, everyone we just wanted to fall asleep again. You know how it is."

"Yeah, we do" Ernie said as he winked at me.

"Ernie I am sorry to say, but we are two teenagers. And it is true we wanted to fall back to sleep. Well seeing it is our day off."  Helga said to him.  She has her own way of doing things. Speaking her own mind, she knows how to hold her own when she needs to. 

After breakfast we headed back upstairs to pull everything out for the costumes.

Helga POV
I can not believe that we got so close to going all the way. I know I am ready. I just am afraid of  doing it wrong.  As we are up stairs get our stuff ready for the party I just want to have Arnold take me. I mean we have seen each other in underwear when changing. I know we are mature about things.

"Hey Arnold?"


"I have to run to the store for something let go to mall really quick!"

"OK Helga we can go." 

Arnold grabs the keys from grandpa. Then we head to the mall.  When we get there, we get lunch, and he wants to go to a game store to check something out.  I let him go as he does that, I go into this store he would never go in.  I walk around a bit nervous about it. A lady walked up to me.

"Welcome to Lacey ladies may I help you pick something special for that lucky man?"

I whispered in the woman's ear and she looked at me with a huge smile.

"I have just the thing for you!"

She pulls me to a rack and handed me a dark pink nighty.  It had little pink bows on it, and she gave me a robe that had an H on it with matching slippers. 

"Miss the nighty will have your man drooling and will not keep his hands off of you."

" Thank you I will take it all."

I was blushing because I just bought clothes that were lingerie. Well, kind of is kind of not I could still sleep in the nighty.

I got to the counter, and she also handed me a coupon for a store special.

"Miss your total is $25.65"

I handed her the money and quickly hid the black bag so it would not move noticeably to Arnold. I went into costume shop and got toy guns for both our costumes, so it was not that obvious what I bought.

I met Arnold in the food court, and we headed back home.

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