Chapter 4

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Normal POV
Helga managed to pull it off with her dad. He was too busy in his office to notice two small duffle bags she took out of her room. One contained her spare pillows and blankets. The other was some clothes and small trinkets that were valuable to her. She did leave her backpack there telling Bob that she was already at Phoebe's and if she was not home she was staying the night. Arnold backed up the story to help her out.

"Why did you have me lie to you father?"

"Because, if I said I was staying at your house I would never hear the end of it."

"Oh, is he that bad to you?"

"Arnold ever since I can remember he has been a total prick to me. If I went to one party that had guys at it, I was considered sleeping around. Of course, I never have slept around. When he started to show that he cared when he really didn't. I already looked like a slut in his eyes!"

When they got back to the boarding house they headed up to her room. They first cleaned the room making it look like new.

"I think there are some cans of paint in the basement let me go look!" Arnold ran down the stairs and looked around for paint. He found the fullest cans. He found brushes and paint trays. He then took them all up stairs. "I found light blue, light purple, a light pink, a small can of red and also white."

"I can work with that." She drew a small design with some pencils. "You think we can do this and paint the closet what ever after. Well with any left over paint?"

"Well it is 6:30 if we start now we can finish the base. Then go eat dinner and it should be dry and finish what we can till we can't work anymore."

"Well we don't have school tomorrow so we have all day tomorrow to do homework so I will not be lying to Bob."

"Let's get started!" they put Helga bags in his room and then they moved the furniture out into the hallway. They were careful not to let it in the way. "Okay well that takes care of that lat us paint everything else."

They were done with the main part of the room when the doorbell rang. Arnold went down and it was Phoebe and Gerald.

"Hey come in and help us!"

They all ran upstairs to help finish the painting. And then Gerald asked, "So why are we painting this room again?"

"Well Bucko I am moving in after my birthday!  Or, unless my ruthless father kicks me out or something like that."

"Helga that is great I wish I could move out and live on my own!" Phoebe was happy for her friend. She knew the real truths to this logic. Her father didn't like having a bother for a daughter and two she loves Arnold.

"What you're moving in here? Why are you moving in here anyways?"

"Gerald I have never told you, but I am not wanted in my own home. I have a drunk for a mother and an ape for a father!"

"Helga you called him a prick so he is an ape that is a prick!" Arnold said laughing.

By time it was eight-o'clock room was completely done. They all ate in Arnold's room. Then Gerald and Phoebe left to go home. Arnold and Helga took the stuff she had to her new room. She loved her room even more pink, purple, and blue strips with red hearts and white outlines around the hearts. The closet was a splatter painted with all had their prints Helga pink, Arnold blue, Gerald red, and Phoebe's purple. She looked over and Arnold left a hand print close to her bed.  Pheebe by the desk and Gerald of course by the tv.

Arnold POV
Her room was amazing she loved being in it. We made her bed and I helped unpack her stuff. I was putting stuff in the desk and she was putting the clothes that she brought over away. I noticed something in the bag. It was a locket. I flipped it over and saw a picture of me from forth grade.

What is this? She has a picture of me from the forth grade in a heart shaped locket. Wait this was the locket that grandpa thought he got from Grandma. How did she get...?

I placed it in her desk nicely were she would find it.

"Helga I think that is it! I am going to go to bed it is getting late?"

"That is okay good night Arnold sweet dreams! Oh and thank you!" She walked over and gave me a peck on the cheek and a big hug. "See you tomorrow"

"Yeah see you tomorrow!" I turn blushing out of the room. And head to my bed to lay down.

Helga POV
I really hope he did not take that as anything else, but a thank you.

Well, the only thing to do is to write in my diary. As I open the drawer to my new desk, I saw my locket.

Did he see that? If he did, he might know that I like him. It might not be that bad I wouldn't mind that maybe he likes me?

I look out my window to see the back yard. Something caught my eye! Is that Lila and who is she with?

I couldn't believe what I saw with my eyes. Lila was with another guy by the fence of Arnold's house. But who could that be? I went to my desk and grabbed my camera and took a zoomed shot of her.

"OH MY GOD IS THAT......?"

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