Chapter 13

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Helga POV
It just seems as if everything is going great after Bob's episode and Lila's rampage. It has been about a week, and we are back at school. Life was going great, I have a great boyfriend, a great job, and a wonderful place to stay at.  My sister checks in every so often and she has seen a big change in me. I guess I just seem happier with everything.

"I hear Lila is being released on probation!" I hear Patty telling Rhonda.

"Yeah, she better stay clear she is hated by a lot of people that love Helga.   No one messes with Helga after all she one my best friends."

"I love you too Rhonda!" I say hugging her.

The day went on like a blur. Only times it did not is when Arnold and I were in the same classes. Plus, when we're with our friends.  Finding out Lila is back not a good thing. Lila is just poison to everyone she is around. She turned Arnie against his family. Arnold wants nothing to do with him. I totally understand I mean with betraying him like that. To be honest it is more Lila's fault she knew she was dating Arnold. From what I have gotten out of Arnie he had no clue. She played both boys. So, I want to get these two boys on at least talk terms so they can be a family.
As we finish up the last class of the day we walk to the door.  Arnold grabs my hand to walk out with me.  Then he wraps an arm around me as he starts to do that guess who walks up the stairs.  Lila looked at us with the evilest eyes ever.

"Bitch" she tried to mutter under her breath.

"What the hell did you call me?" I make a dead stop.

"I do not know what you are talking about I never said a thing."

"Oh, fine okay it off stay away from me, my friends, Arnold's friends and family. They don't need a toxic whore like you to destroy them."

"Arnold, are you going to let her talk to me like that?"

"Yes, Lila, I don't control her and plus it is true" She gasped as he kissed me, "Helga, I love you!"
That was the icing on the cake.

Arnold's POV
I still cannot believe that is has been a few weeks since everything happened. I have a wonderfully beautiful woman at my side and in my heart.  Since Helga and I started dating she has been in my room almost every night. Grandpa doesn't mind he just told me to be responsible. I am always responsible for whatever I do. I just pull Helga close to me as we walk home.  She stops for a moment to take a picture of some kids playing in the street. She is a great photographer my room has a few great pictures of us together. I know we are meant for one another. I know it sounds corny, but we are like Ying and yang.

Halloween is in a few days, and we are going as Bonnie and Clyde for Rhonda's Halloween bash. Gerald and Phoebe are going as Ian Brady and Myra Hindley we decided to do criminal couples together. We finally get home, and we head straight to my room to start homework. I sit on my bed and Helga right away sits on my lap to give me a big kiss. I have my hand placed on her thigh closer to her butt and she don't seem to mind.  We have been taking things slow.  It is alright because I really don't want to push. She will want to on her own terms. 
We start our homework. Our work is closed for a few days our boss is on vacation and it is not right to open shop for 5 hours after school. So he is giving us vacation time. 

"Helga. "

"Yes Arnold "

"I know this might be too soon but what would you think about just staying in one room together instead of two separate rooms? I mean you pretty much stay up here every night."

"Well, it would save me time in morning for sure. Instead of waking up earlier than running to grab my things to shower and having to wait in that line in morning."

"Would you want to?"

"I would but would Grand be OK with it?"

"He should then he can rent that room out let me go talk to him." I run downstairs to grandpa's room and knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Hey grandpa I have question for you"

I talked to grandpa and explained everything to him.  Told him how he can rent her room out to someone or even maybe turn it into second bathroom. The bathroom idea was what got him to do it. 

"Well Shortman I don't mind but promise me you two will not regret your decision OK. But one condition............

A/n sorry cliffhanger lol surprises next few chapters. Please check out my other books.  And please comment what you think and pm some ideas I am starting something new. If I like your idea, I will give you a shout out. Plus, I will check some your work.

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