Chapter 6

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Arnold's POV
I sat there laying on my bed when I looked over to that Helga forgot a small bag. I pick it up and start walking down to her room, I could hear here talking to Rhonda and Phoebe in her room. the door was cracked enough to see it was on her computer.

"Helga, you have to tell him what you saw!" I heard it come from Rhonda.

"Yes, I know I am waiting the right time.  It's not like I don't have proof. I mean I happened to snap a picture. So, it is not like I would be lying to him." Helga said.

"I still cannot believe that little Lila would do that!" Phoebe exclaimed.

I perked up when I heard Lila's name. "Phoebe, Rhonda I use to think she was little miss perfect. I remember when I remember when I told her about my love for Arnold..."

"She loves me I mean I like her, but I had no clue. But what did Lila do?" I whisper to myself.

I felt wrong listening in, so I softly knocked on her door. I heard here say goodbye to the girls. she then rustled to the door. I smiled as well as I could. She gestured me into the room.

"Helga, you forgot this."

"Arnold how long have you been standing there?"

"Not that long. So, you had something to tell?" I lied to her a bit.

"Well ......." she trailed off biting her lip, "Arnold, I wish it was not me telling you this."

I placed a hand on her cheek, "You can tell me anything and I promise I will not be mad."

I see tears forming in her eyes, "Arnold here." she handed me a picture, " So you know that I am sorry for you finding out from me."

I look down and I look at the picture to see Lila kissing someone else. I looked harder at the familiar figure. "Arnie!!!" My heart sank, "I knew something was up. Now tell me the truth how long."

"I have not known that long. i mean......"I cut her off.

"No not that..." I walked to her desk and pull out the locket, "How long have you had feelings for me?"

Her face went to shock, "What did you all hear?"

"I heard that you love me, but I only heard about when you told Lila that you love me."

Helga POV

I stand there wondering if I should tell him the truth. "Arnold, I know it sounds corny, but do you remember in preschool when you helped me in the rain."

"Since then! Why not say anything and be mean to me all those years?"

"It not that easy I hid my feeling because then I did not know how to show them. Plus, I was a tomboy then."

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Helga can I be honest with you?"

"Yes Arnold."

"To tell you the truth I have had small feels for you. I have not really put two and two together you look like the pretty blonde that pretended to be Cecile that one year for Valentine's Day when we were in 4th grade."

I bit my lip and I need to tell, but I am not sure. "Arnold, you might see her soon maybe... Arnold you need to wrap your head around what I told you about Lila. Then figure out what you want." I tell him while I push him back. Then I open the door for him to leave so I can breathe. He just stood there for a minute before doing anything.

"Your right Helga. See you in the morning?"

I give him a happy nod, "Good night, Arnold."

"Sweet dreams Helga."

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