Chapter 11

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Helga POV
I woke up early forgetting that we are out of school for now.  I try to get up and I feel and arm on my waist. Then looking around I realize that we fell asleep on Arnold's couch. I gently remove his arm to try to go make some food for breakfast then I feel him release me.  I quietly walk out the room and downstairs.  It must have been super early cause it was dark outside still.  I saw the clock down by the phone.

"4 AM!"

I went to the kitchen and started some food for the boardinghouse.  I set the table first, so it was the last thing on my mind. Then worked on the food when I was done it was like 6 or so.  I heard somebody coming down the stairs.

"Helga?" I heard a sweet angel call.

"Hey Arnold! Are you hungry?" as I said that the boarders were coming down at the smell of the food.

"Wow who made all this." As Arnold's grandpa was the last down.

"I did I wanted to say thank you for everything and sorry for the night I got hurt. "
The all shook their heads in a way of saying it was alright.  Then we all sat down to eat.
45 minutes past and everyone was done.  I was about to start to clear the table when Grandpa stopped me.

"Oscar, you clean the table. "

"Grandpa I can't my wrist hurt. I must have hurt it. " 

I rolled my eyes, "Man get up if he tells you to do something you do it. Especially when you eat for free.  And your poor wife has to work harder for a roof over your head!"
Everyone started mumbling their agreements to the free loader.

"Miss, you have no right to speak to me that way!"

"Oscar she can cause she is right.  Do something around this place or we will kick you out for good and your wife will stay." Arnold chimed in.

Then everyone took their hit till he started working.

His wife can up to me, "thank you so much everyone!"

"Ma'am you don't deserve to be treated like a Slave!" she hugged me, and I went back upstairs.

As I was walking up the stairs, "I call first dibs on the shower!"

No one argued because I was up early and cooked food.  Before I hit my room, I feel someone grab my arm and lead me into my room.

"Arnold!" I then get a huge kiss from him.

"How am this lucky to have you?"

"Arnold don't mention it I have to go shower. " I plant another​ kiss on him as I go to the shower.
After my shower I go to my room to wait till Arnold was done. While I wait, I charge my camera and pack a bag to go out somewhere. I walk up to his room and lightly knock.  There was no answer, so I walked in there was Arnold in just a towel.  I closed the door quickly.

"Helga? Are we not dating? You can come in. I can quickly get dressed in the walk-in. I mean seeing we are you don't have to be shy in seeing me like this." I heard from behind the door.
So, I quickly walked in and sat on bed looking down at the floor. My face was beet red.

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