Chapter 16

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Helga POV
After we got back to the house, I hid what I bought. Arnold walked in as I quickly shut the door.

"Helga what are you doing?"

"Nothing Arnold just a surprise so doesn't go looking for it or you will pay." I said in a joking voice.
Arnold knows me to well. So, I joke a lot with him. I just wanted to hide the items from him. I want everything to be perfect. I want him to love me even more than anything.

"Helga, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, my dear football head."

"You have been guarding that bag since we left the mall what is in it?"

"I will show you in time it a surprise I got for the both of us. But I did get the guns for our costume.

"Helga not even a little hint to what it is for me because I am extremely curious now."

"My love please wait a little bit longer and you will find out tonight ok my love."

He looked at me with enthused look on his face, "Oh really now! Now I don't think I can wait that long."

"Arnold just wait till later now let's get ready for the party I have makeup to done and we need showers before hand. So I will go first that way while you are in shower I can do my makeup. Is that OK with you my love?"

"That is perfectly fine with me. And I do promise not to peek at the bag I know what you are going to say. Don't you dare looking! That's what you will tell me."

I give him a small look and smiled at him. I love him so much. I then walk up to him and give him a kiss.

Arnold pov

So far our kisses have been pecks on the lips. I smile at here and pull her to hug her and give her a bigger kiss then she gave me. It had more passion then ever I just wanted to show her that she did not have to hide her feelings with me. I slowly kiss her slowly parting her lips with each movement of mine. I then gently put my tongue in her mouth and I kiss her more. I hear a small moan slip from her mouth and she pulled away.

"OK Arnold that is enough before we get to caught up in this. I am going to take a shower." She says with a bit pink in her cheeks as she gathers her towel, robe and slippers for her shower then walks out of the room.

I stay in the room and pull my costume together. My eye glances at the bag and I kept wondering what it was, but I know I made her a promise. So I closed the door I was not tempted. While I waited I pulled out my phone to text Gerald talk about stuff. Shortly after I texted him he decided to call me.

"Man what is going on now?"

"So Helga went shopping and been guarding this black bag and I don't know if I should be worried or not."

"What does the bag say dude?"

"Laceys lace"

"Man don't worry and don't look she has something special planned for you dude so don't worry at all. See you at the party ok dude"

He hung up the phone and I made sure I had everything for my shower and started to walk to door.

Readers: i will finish this story i promise i know it been some time i am back now and i will get this story wrapped up and anything else i am working on and i am slowly working on fixing everything that i have messed up in the story line thank you for baring with me

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