Chapter 5

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Helga POV
I still can't believe what I saw last night. I am just so glad that we don't have school today. Someone knocked at my door and I jump.

"Umm... come in!"

"Hey Helga it is time for breakfast! Are you ok?" Arnold asked me.

"Umm... I just am thinking." I sighed looking at Arnold, "Arnold I want to ask you something...?" the door bell rang and I jumped.

"I am going to get the door you can ask me later." He left the room.

What am I supposed to do. I need to tell Arnold what I saw last night. I saw Lila with another guy.

I started to walk down stairs to go and eat. I hear a voice coming from the kitchen.

"Oh Arnold I missed you ever so much!" I knew who that was. Which means this is going to be harder then I thought. I walked into the kitchen and her eyes shot up at me. "Helga what are you doing here?"

"Oh I am going to be moving in after my birthday."

"Oh well that is ever so nice. So Arnold I cant stay long I have to go home to get settled in. But, I cant wait till Friday I love my costume. What are you two going to be?"

"I don't know yet Lila Helga what about you?"

"It is a surprise!"

"Ok, but I have to go and get settled in. Bye my dear Arnold!" She said as she kissed him. Then she got up and left.

I sat down at the table and started to eat when Arnold looked at me. "What where you going to ask me upstairs?"

"Later I will ask you. We have to do our homework and I have to get back to the house. Bob might get mad if I am not back by ten-o'clock. And I have to start work at noon. I work twelve-thirty to eight. So if we get started after we eat I know we can get done before I have to work."

We quickly ate our food and went upstairs to his room. We finished all our work in the time I was thinking. I ran to my room and quickly got dressed for work. I took my back pack with me so I can go back to the house to deal with Bob.

Arnolds POV
I can't believe that Lila is back. Well that ok with me I love having her back. Well I know that Arnie will be back later today. I also like the fact that Helga is going to be living here with me. My phone then went off.

"Hey Arnold guess what?"

"What Helga?"

"So, I submitted a writing piece of poetry to the bookstore writing contest shortly after I moved back. I am so happy I won the contest. I have won!"

"That is so nice what did you win?"

"I won $300 check so I can give your Grandpa the rent tomorrow after school."

"That's great well I hope everything goes great I need some sleep I will see you at school tomorrow!"

"Is the house unlocked I really don't want to be here right now?"

"Yeah I will let you in through my skylight. So the animals will not wake the boarders."

"Ok I will be there in less then twenty can you stay up that long?"

"Yes I can see you in a bit!"

Helga POV
I really hope that Arnold does not think I am a real needy person. I do want to tell him what I have seen with Lila. But, I don't what him to think I am trying to break them up. I do have a picture, but it might not prove anything.

I wish I had a hand with my bags. I can't wait till I can move out completely. I have till after April till I can. It might just be sooner with the way that Bob has been acting. I just feeling unwanted I think I will talk to Olga. She is always away, because she hates how she cannot do what she wants to do. She can't even get married right now. I pull out my phone to call her.

"Hello baby sister!"

"Hey sis. I have question?"

"Oh what is it Helga?"

"Well I want to move out. And I was told by Bob that I can't leave till I am 17. I have a job and Arnolds Grandpa gave me a deal on a room I want to live there and not go back to the house. What should I do?"

"Helga I believe you are old enough to make your own decisions. If you think you are ready then do it. I know how daddy and mommy treat you. After the move it is worse. How is it now?"

"Olga I am scared of Bob! And when I am at the boarding house I feel safe!"

"Ok how about this I am moving back and I have an apartment in town. I will tell daddy you will be living with me tomorrow. I will be back tomorrow morning I will pick you up at the boarding house. We will go over and talk to him. Ok how does that sound?"

"Olga thank you! I love you and you're the best!"

"I will do anything for your safety. I love you too talk you tomorrow. Ok bye"

"Bye Olga!"

I hang up the phone and put it back in my pocket. I look and I am at the boarding house. I almost forgot my lip was bleeding. And I have a mark on my arm. I pull a sweater out of one of the bags and I put on lip gloss to hide the mark on my lip. I hope he does not see anything. I then see him climb down the fire escape.

"What took so long?" he asked me.

"I had to talk to my sister about something important. So how are we going to get my bags up?"

He grabbed a bag then put the handles on his shoulders like a back pack. I then did the same. We then started up the escape. When we get to the top he helps me up. We then got into his room, and he saw something on my face. He came closer and I guess there was another mark I did not see.

"What the hell happened to you Helga?!"

"Umm..." I look in the mirror and there was a bruise on my cheek. Before I could say anything Arnold grabbed my arm. He grabbed where the mark was.

As I winced he said, "take off the Sweater now!"

"Arnold no I don't..." he pulled off the sweater and saw all the marks on my arms. He looked at my face and notice my lip. "What the fuck happened to you? I want to know now! Please I am not going to hurt you Helga I just want to make sure that you are not in trouble!"

"Umm... well after I got home from work...Bob was pissed because of Miriam. I came home late and he was yelling."

"How long?"

"Huh what you mean?"

"How long has he been hitting you?"

"Since we moved to Floridia he changed when he got the new job! But I can fix this as of tomorrow Olga will tell Bob that I will be living with her. And I will be staying here with you."

"After tomorrow no one will hurt you I will make sure of it. I just don't want anyone to hurt you. I car....." he stopped and looked at me.

"You what?"

He ran his hand through his hair, "I care about you!"

Normal POV
She looked at him and then he left the room to get the first aide kit. When he returned Helga was sitting on his bed. She took her sweater off and he could see in more of what he did to her. She had more bruises on her arm. He went to her side. He cleaned up her lip and took a look at her bruises more.

"Hey Helga why don't we stay home from school tomorrow?"

"Well Arnold we could, but there is no school for us. It is Halloween tomorrow and the teachers have a teacher day tomorrow."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Well, it looks like I am all done. You can go to your room." He tells her a bit sad.

"Arnold thanks. I will see you tomorrow."

She looked at him and she took her bags to her room. Before she could leave with her bags he stopped her. He took her in his arms.

"Helga I wish I was never with Lila. If I wasn't then I could protect you."

"Arnold..." She hugged him back, "You are protecting me. And for that I thank you. Now I need to go I will not leave your side. Arnold I promise never to hurt you." She let go of him and she blushed and walked out to go to her room.

When she got to her room she realized that her computer was ringing. It was a video chat.

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