Glacial trouble pt.2

988 35 15

Han's POV

I groaned as i opened my eyes. A stinging pain creeping up on the back of my head. I didnt recognize the room I was in, which freaked me out somewhat. I shot up from the bed and rubbed my eyes to help with the blurriness.

I looked down at my lap and noticed that I wasn't wearing my clothes and I was wearing an oversized loose white shirt and black baggy pants.

Wait.. i..

"I-IM NOT WEARING MY CLOTHES.!?" I yelled at the top my lungs and flinched embarrassed. I looked up from lap and spotted 2 people looking at me with a serious expression, completely unbothered by the yelling.

I heeded one of them mouth something in a microphone attached to his ear.

"W-who are you?!" I semi-screamed at them, abruptly getting up from the bed. They didn't move an inch which made me panic more.

"Oi! I'm- I'm talking to you!" I hesitantly exclaimed.

Unexpectedly they bowed and turned around ready to walk out the door. I looked at them confused and was about to follow them but was stopped by a brawny hand firmly grasping my waist, keeping me in place.

I flinched and froze. I had to think quickly. Maybe I was kidnapped and was about to be sold for god knows what.

What if they killed me?

Use me for disgusting intentions?

What if i get sold to an old man?? Or worse... Hell nah Im not being sold.


Before he could speak i hastily turned around and punched him, perhaps breaking his nose. He stumbled back in pain, holding his face. Uh oh.

The guy raised his head and hostilely glanced at me. My heart stopped at the realization of who it was.

I staggered back, hopeful for an escape, but my hopes were shattered when i bumped into the locked door.

He looked dangerously calm and I surely didnt like that.

"L-look i i am sorry i didn't kno-" My apology was cut off by his hand brutally slamming to the wall, right next to my head. I gulped in fear as his inimical gaze fell upon me. He raised his hand-

"PLEASE d-dont hit me again in the head.." i quietly pleaded, hoping he would hear, and lowered my head mortified. His raised hand laid hold of my chin and dauntlessly lifted it, giving me no other choice but to look at him in the eyes.

My face gradually started getting hotter and I couldn't help but feel flustered under his immensely attractive intimidation.

He let go off me and walked over to sit down on the bed, signaling for me to sit down too. I hesitantly walked over to him and settled besides him. He rolled up his sleeves from the black button up shirt, displaying his fanciable veiny arms. I dryly gulped, my eyes glued to the luscious sight.

"Whats your name love."

My insides melted by the constant mention of the nickname. I had no idea why I was feeling like that even though I didn't even know him.

"Han." I mumbled bashfully.


He simply smiled.

I mentally cursed myself by my careless action.
Boss is going to be so mad..

He grabbed a tissue from his pocket and started wiping the small amount of fresh blood running down his reddened nose. Pity filled my empty stomach from the sight.

"Im sorry... about that." I murmured sheepishly, scratching my neck awkwardly. He grinned.

"Don't worry about it love. You're interesting. I like you."

I lowered my head flustered.

"Where do you want to go."

I looked up at him.

"Home please." I got up too, staring at him as he unlocked the door.

"Anything you want love."

We walked out of the room, down a silent hallway. I kept my gaze on the floor when i noticed his hand brushing mine slightly, motioning for me to hold it. I tentatively took it and holded it gently.

Millions of thoughts rushed to my head:

'This would be hella awkward if he didn't want to hold my hand.

Why did I even hold it anyways...

What if that's not what the gesture meant..?

And where the hell are we going?? I dont see any-'

My contemplations were cut off by a loud and energetic voice coming from the end of the hallway. My eyes shot up, catching a glimpse of a taller boy waving genially at us.

"Ay Minho!" He shouted

Oh so minho is his name? Cool. But mine is better-

I was then again snapped out of my thoughts by a coyly 'ooohh~'

"Oh I remember him! I saw you almost mak-"

"Enough" Minho gave him a baleful smile, shushing him completely. The guy awkwardly laughed before turning to me.

"Nice to meet you." My eyes got bigger as I stared at his extended hand waiting for a gesture. I took hold of it and gently shook it, my other hand still interlocked with Minho's. I politely bowed and took a few steps backwards.

"You're very handsome! uh, boy?"

"Han." I laughed it off.

Oh my fucking god i didn't just say it again. I really need to stop talking and outing myself.

"Call me Chan" He smiled and playfully winked at me.

I merely nodded with a small grin plastered on my face by his friendliness.

I felt Minho's grip becoming tighter and tighter. How much strength does this man have.

"Please stop squeezing my hand. It hurts" I composedly exclaimed, shifting my trapped hand in his grasp. His deadly-looking eyes, which were piercing holes through Chan's head, softened and immediately loosened his hold.

Chan teasingly smiled at Minho with me looking at him blankly.
Minho scoffed at him but soon his expression turned into a serious one.

"Quit with that behavior or I'll put your head on display right outside of my office." He sounded dead serious.

Help me.

Chan just laughed and smacked his shoulder lightly.

"Aishh you know I'm joking. But if.. you know... Id have no issue haha! I have Jeongin remember?" I was still a bit left back so I couldn't really process what he said and specifically, what he meant.

Before i could comprehend that, i was being dragged down the hallway way again, heading towards a large glass door with a car waiting outside.

As soon as we stepped inside the car, the mesmerizing view of the sunset from outside made me sleepy. I shifted around my seat and rested my head on the window still looking outside the fascinating scenery and my hand still interlinked with Minho's...

• • • •

Heyo 😘 hope yall liked that cause I didn't 💪
ANYHOW things will get more and more spicy as chapters go on 😼❤️
Words: 1142 🤩

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