Safe in your arms

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(Long, juicy chapter ahead 😟)

Jisung's POV

I was in my room resting after a tiring shift. Really, Hyunjin was starting to become slightly pressuring but I didn't bother asking him.
I leisurely got up from my bed and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and returned to my bedroom.

Unexpectedly, i heard a car park right outside of my porch.

I opened the curtains and peeked outside. It was a black van with a big logo on its side.


Uh oh.

I immediately close the curtains without taking notice of the 4 men approaching my house. I ran to my closet and hurriedly took a bag, packing everything I found in front of me.

'shit shit SHIT!!'

They were here. Again.
I thought I had escaped but seems like not.
I wouldn't let them take me back there. No, not again.

Once i had stuffed it with the most vital things i ran outside to the living room. The harsh banging of the door made me panic to the point I couldn't think clearly.

I rushed to the back door and when I was about to open it, the front door was kicked down. I froze.

"We know you're here Jisung."

I instantly ran outside and jumped over the wooden fence surrounding my house. I just ran with no particular location in mind. I just wanted to escape. And now that I know they are aware that this is my house, i need to find somewhere else to live.

After about 10 minutes of running i stopped and sat on a bench. I needed to think what i could do now. I calmed down a bit and caught my breath.

Unconsciously i then again got up and started walking with no specific destination.

• • • • •

"I remember you! You're Lee Know's friend." The person i had bumped into stated.
I awkwardly scratched my nape.

"Y-yeah. I didn't expect to see you either." I lowly chuckled.
"Can I help you? You seem troubled." My eyes wandered around for a while, thinking if it was either a good idea to ask him for such a favor. I huffed, knowing i had no other available option right now.

"I um, wanted to ask for a favor since i encountered you. H-how can i say this..." Chan tilted his head slightly, waiting for me to continue.

"I need a place to stay. Until i find somewhere else. Long story short, i cant go back to my apartment."

I thanked god that he was so understanding and just simply nodded.

"I have the perfect place for you then!" He smiled proudly and grabbed his phone from his pocket.
I raised my eyebrows and just stared at him dialing an unknown, for me, number.

"Oi Leeknow! Guess what man. I have the perfect news for you!" I mentally face palmed myself and dropped my head embarrassed.

After a couple more minutes of him sorting everything out, he hang up and patted my shoulder to follow him.

"You'll be staying with Leeknow. You okay with that?" I hesitantly thought for a second and then nodded.

"Another question, if you don't mind." I looked at him in a way of giving him approval to continue.

"Don't you have friends or family that could accommodate you?"

I bit my lip and kept my gaze on the ground.

Bad Blood / Hyunlix / Minsung Where stories live. Discover now