Sickly Birds and Curse Words

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(Y/N)'s POV

The next few days were a bit dull, a few more classes and it was finally the weekend, I awoke later than normal to find a note from Harry telling me he was going to Quidditch practice. I decided to get breakfast and the catch up with him. I tried my best to hurry so that I could cheer him on during practise.

Harry's POV

We were making our way down the field, Wood was going on about the drills we were going to use during practise, Fred and George spotted the Slytherins and Wood went to confront them. By the time I made my way to Wood, the Slytherins were showing off their new seeker.

Draco Malfoy, he walked up to us with a sneer and showed off the teams' new brooms, with a smug smile. Apparently they had written permission from Snape to use the pitch so they could train their new member. I'd bet anything Snape did it when we had the pitch reserved on purpose.

"Nimbus 2001's" he said, his voice filled with pride, "Much faster than older models" he said, eyeing the Weasleys brooms and then glancing at mine, I was about to say something when Hermione beat me to it.

"At least nobody on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in" she commented proudly. "Shut up, you filthy little mudblood" said Malfoy Hermione stood there in shock, as did Ron.

There was a collective gasp from the Gryffindor's and the Slytherins jeered at her, I'd never heard of this term, but it didn't seem like a friendly nickname, the Weasley twins lunged forward at Malfoy but Wood stopped them.

The crowd parted and there were loud footsteps behind me, but I didn't pay much attention to them because Ron ran up to Malfoy wand drawn and said, "Eat slugs Malfoy!" angrily, he tried a curse, but because of his broken wand he was sent flying backwards only to vomit up a live slug. There were further laughs from the Slytherins at this turn of events.

What happened next was over in the span of a second, I turned to see if Ron was ok, Hermione ran after him, I was about to follow, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw who was making those loud footsteps earlier, it was (Y/N) and he looked furious.

I turned back just in time to see it happen. (Y/N) reeled his fist back and punched a still laughing Draco Malfoy in the throat. Only to then dive on him and go for another hit.

It then took; Oliver Wood, Fred and George Weasley and Katie Bell to pull him off and hold him back, at one point Alicia Spinnet had to dive on top of him to stop him from thrashing about, he shouted profanities and threats at the entire Slytherin team, who had all surrounded Malfoy as he coughed and wheezed on the floor.

By the time he had calmed down, Malfoy had recovered, but was still milking it, and the teachers had been called, unfortunately, the wrong teacher arrived on the scene first. "Come" said the sly voice of Snape as he dragged (Y/N) behind him.

(Y/N)'s POV

Snape dragged me by the arm up to McGonagall's office, he explained the situation and she was astonished. "I am disgusted by your behaviour young man!" she shouted, "It is out of my hands, this must be taken to the headmaster."

The next thing I knew I was in Professor Dumbledore's office waiting as each teacher went in turn and discussed what they thought was necessary, I was sat in silence, eyeing the bird in the corner, I was almost certain it was a Phoenix, I had a strong urge to pet it but knew I should sit still and do as I'm told.

"He simply must be expelled, there should be no tolerance for violence against other students, regardless of cause, he has done nothing but make trouble since his sorting" reasoned Snape.

"While his behaviour has been unacceptable, I think expulsion is extreme for the first event of this nature, he is usually a very well-mannered student, and while he is mischievous at times, violence has never been a factor" argued Professor McGonagall.

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