Disturbing Tales and New Trails

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Harry's POV

After a breath of excitement, I pushed the door: It was locked. (Y/N) chuckled, "Anti-climax much?" Hermione pointed her wand at the handle and said, "Alohomora." There was a click, and the door swung open.

We moved over the threshold together, gazing around. Regulus's bedroom was slightly smaller than Sirius's, though it had the same sense of former grandeur.

Whereas Sirius had sought to advertise his difference from the rest of the family, Regulus had striven to emphasise the opposite. The Slytherin colours of emerald and silver were everywhere, draping the bed, the walls, and the windows.

The Black family crest was painstakingly painted over the bed, along with its motto, Toujours Pur. "Always pure...charming" said (Y/N) as we entered. "Need to get me a family motto" he mumbled

Beneath it was a collection of yellow newspaper cuttings, all stuck together to make a ragged collage. Hermione crossed the room to examine them. "They're all about Voldemort," she said. "Regulus seems to have been a fan for a few years before he joined the Death Eaters. . . ."

I had noticed another photograph; a Hogwarts Quidditch team was smiling and waving out of the frame. I moved closer and saw the snakes emblazoned on their chests: Slytherins.

Regulus was instantly recognisable as the boy sitting in the middle of the front row: He had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter, and rather less handsome than Sirius had been. "He played Seeker," I voiced my thought.

"What?" said Hermione vaguely; she was still immersed in Voldemort's press clippings. "He's sitting in the middle of the front row, that's where the Seeker . . . Never mind," I said, realising that nobody was listening: Ron was on his hands and knees, searching under the wardrobe.

(Y/N) was searching behind the headboard and under the mattress, keen to find something incriminating that wasn't necessarily linked to Voldemort it seems. After around five minutes of searching there was a sigh from the corner of the room.

"There's an easier way," said Hermione. She raised her wand and said, "Accio Locket!" "Oh yeah, we know magic" (Y/N) sighed to himself. But nothing happened. Ron, who had been searching the folds of the faded curtains, looked disappointed.

"Nothing is ever simple." (Y/N) sighed again, "There we go, that's gonna be the motto of our dynasty 'Mione" he chuckled, she was flustered at the insinuation and dropped the newspapaer clippings.

"Can you two stop the flirting, this is serious." said Ron, "Never!" proclaimed (Y/N), Hermione rolled her eyes, "Is that it, then? It's not here?" groaned Ron "Oh, it could still be here, but under counter-enchantments," said Hermione. "Charms to prevent it being summoned magically, you know."

"Like Voldemort put on the stone basin in the cave," I said remembering how I had been unable to Summon the fake locket. "How are we supposed to find it then?" asked Ron. "We search manually," said Hermione.

"That's a good idea," said Ron, rolling his eyes, and he resumed his examination of the curtains. "Have fun, I'm gonna go make breakfast before I pass out" said (Y/N), hurrying downstairs, It was only seconds later that we heard the clattering of pots and pans as he began cooking.

We combed every inch of the room for more than an hour, but were forced, finally, to conclude that the locket was not there. The sun had risen now; its light dazzled them even through the grimy landing windows.

"It could be somewhere else in the house, though," said Hermione in a rallying tone as they walked back downstairs. As Ron and I had become more discouraged, she seemed to have become more determined.

Harry Potter.  Hermione X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now