Awkward Afternoons and Weaponized Tablespoons

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(Y/N)'s POV

I regretted not inviting Ron to the Slug Club. That way he could suffer through this with us. Everyone in the room, barring me, Hermione, Ginny and Neville and Melinda Bobbin where insufferable in one way or another.

I found myself saying "at least the food is good" every five minutes, unable to think of anything productive to say. Some of the Slug Club were nice, if a little smug.

The Carrow twins creeped me out, they muttered amongst themselves and kept giving me odd looks from across the table and made me very worried every time I took a sip of my drink.

Blaise Zabini was looking down his nose at me as always and only communicating with grunts and mumbles that were becoming harder and harder to decipher as he made no effort to talk to anyone who wasn't a Slytherin.

The most irksome was of course McLaggen, he was so was so infuriating, he spent the whole dinner trying to make comments to Hermione from across the table, leaning on his chair to flirt with her and then smirking at me.

After fifteen minutes of this, Hermione was getting increasingly uncomfortable and I was having trouble restraining myself, muttering death threats at McLaggen whenever he looked in our direction.

I wanted nothing more then to get up and power-bomb him through the dining table, the only reason I hadn't was Hermione herself. She sat beside me and calmed me down as we continued to be forced into awkward small talk. Slughorns humble bragging didn't help much either.

Hermione had to confiscate my wand halfway through the night after I glued McLaggen's tongue to the roof of his mouth. That didn't stop him for long, after a blissful five minutes of relative quiet he just kept going.

At this point, the whole table was uncomfortable with McLaggen, even the politer members of the Slug Club were starting to take notice. Slughorn seemed to find the whole situation very entertaining.

After Slughorn turned his back to me so he could talk to Belby the evening finally culminated in me standing up harshly and throwing a spoon at McLaggen so hard that when it hit him he lost balance on his chair and collapsed to the floor.

Even the ever stoic Blaise Zabini smirked at the sight of Mclaggen whimpering on the floor, Hermione was not pleased, but a smile was still fighting to creep onto her face. "I think you hit him in the eye!" scolded Hermione as we left, "Good" I said, grinning from ear to ear. By the end of the night we were all physically and emotionally drained.

I said goodnight to Hermione with a kiss as we headed off to bed, lamenting about my waste of an evening. It was fair to say I went to bed in a very bad mood. This happened every few weeks, each one worse than the last.

Halfway through October came our first trip of the term to Hogsmeade. It was always good to get out of the castle grounds for a few hours. I woke early on the morning of the trip, which was proving stormy.

I sat up in bed groggily, barely recovered from my rude awakening earlier, I went to pet Bones only to find her fur was shaggier then normal, looking down I found Crookshanks curled up in the bed next to her. I sighed deeply, "Crookshanks...we've talked about this!"

At the sound of his name, his head lifted, and he darted off the bed in a flash before I could reach for my wand, "Scram you ginger git!" I bellowed. "If you so much as look in her direction, I'm cursing you!"

Ron darted awake again, looking at me terrified as I held my wand aloft. He shrieked an "I'm sorry! She's just..." in panic, then caught himself, I sighed, "Not you" he seemed to calm down, he chuckled nervously "yeah...right..." and he collapsed back into bed.

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