Potion Brewing and Dragon Previewing

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(Y/N)'s POV

I received another letter in the post which dampened my spirits and made the fear I had of fighting a dragon suddenly feel more real. "Sorry, nothing can be done. Crouch has the final word, and he doesn't like us very much, knew I should have sent him to St. Mungo's when I had the chance. I will keep working on it, I promise. LOVE YOU Mum. X"

After Harry told Cedric about the dragons, I spent all my energy to find a counter to them, but came up with nothing, even after scouring the library in my spare time. Twice. It wasn't until we had a Care for Magical Creatures lesson that I finally made a breakthrough. Unfortunately, I still couldn't deal with the Skrewts without getting burned.

"Jeez. My hands are killing me" I said, blowing on them to ease the pain of the burns. "Blast Ended Skrewts don't play around, lucky I'm not fighting them" I laughed. Then I had a sudden epiphany.

Something that might help me with the first trial, or at least get rid of one of my main concerns. "I need something to make me fireproof" I mumbled, racking my brain, normally I would go to Hermione or a teacher for this, but I wasn't allowed.

Every book I came across did nothing, every spell I found wouldn't help, I was at a dead end, I walked to my detention with Snape in low spirits. He had instructed me to restock his shelves. He was sat behind his desk, grading paperwork and glaring at me every so often. Until something happened that broke the silence.

"Professor, I can't find the Shredded Boomslang skin, or the Powdered Bicorn horn" he raised an eyebrow at me and then heavily sighed. "Perhaps you and your little gang have been up to something again?" he drawled with a raised eyebrow.

I just looked at him confused. "Have you not learnt anything in your time spent lumbering around my classroom?" I cocked my head "Huh?" He let out a long sigh, glaring angrily "What are the key ingredients to Polyjuice potion?" he quizzed me.

After looking it up in a nearby book I realised what he was getting at, "Perhaps you should pay more attention" he said, I went to argue but he shushed me. "Forgive me, I forget it is a basic requirement that Granger be with you every waking moment to do your thinking for you" he spat.

I shrugged "Well I won't deny that she's better than me at potions, but I'm pretty sure I could have-" my eyes widened and my jaw was agape as I thought of it "-Professor you're a genius!" he raised an eyebrow, "The potions challenge, the fire one!" he now looked a bit annoyed, "What are you rambling about boy?" I flicked through the book, until I found it.

"Hermione told me all about the first-year potion thing you set up, here it is, Fire Protection Potion, otherwise known as the Ice potion." "This is it; I've found it!" I all but cheered, "Can I use some of your ingredients? I have a potion to make" he breathed through his nose, "If that is what is required to get my teachings through your skull" he sighed again.

I took Bursting Mushrooms, Salamander Blood and some Wartcap Powder, using a nearby cauldron I got to work, Snape watched over me with either curiosity or confusion but despite this being a detention, he allowed me to get to work, with help from the book I managed to brew one Ice potion.

"Professor can you test this, I don't want to poison myself" I said, "So you suggest we should poison me instead?" he commented, I laughed, "Well, I'm sure you know how to make plenty of antidotes, and you are the potions master."

With another heavy sigh he gave the potion a once over and then he rolled up his robes and took a sip of the potion, in half a second he seemed to ponder the potion "This should suffice" was all he said, I couldn't contain myself and started celebrating. 

He sneered but I think I saw the edge of his mouth tremble. "I've had enough of your ravings, you are dismissed." I thought about asking to make two so Harry could have one, but judging by the expression on Snape's face, he wasn't feeling that generous.

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