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So. Here I am again. I thought I'd repost this as a huge story this time. There are going to be some changes, mostly to the early chapters to make them flow a little better. 

For the most part the changes anywhere else are minor, in fact I even kept in a few of the original mistakes I had in the story because they made me laugh. 

The biggest changes are a few changed scenes, a few changed chapter names, and most commonly, chapters put together. This may unfortunately undermine some cliff-hangers and more tense moments, but it was the best I can do.

Also the cover for the story and the descriptions between books are only temporary, I will update them both with better ones as soon as I can. There are still some growing pains with this.

Hopefully all will go well.

Here is a line for you to use if you have any feedback or if you just wanted to slander me.

That being said. This is your disclaimer. 

Before we start

Just to get this out of the way, this is a male reader insert story, and some choices will be made simply for plot purposes such as the house you are in, which will be Gryffindor. Feel free to make as many sad Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff noises as you like, it's just how it's gotta be.

The story will also span both Book and Movie scenes, kind of a mish mash of scenes I enjoy, as well as original scenes I made or altered canon scenes

Also I will probably try to avoid using many pictures, especially early on, but if you need clarification on anything let me know.

The love interest in this series will be Hermione simply because she is the easiest for me to write about. Hopefully you figured that out from the title this time though.

If that is not your cup of tea fair enough you don't have to read on.

Also I'm sure I will make Spelling Punctuation and Grammar errors throughout, I'm sorry in advance.

Other then that, Have fun, here is a key.

(Y/N)= Your Name

(L/N)= Last Name

(H/C)=Hair Colour

(E/C)=Eye Colour

(F/F)=Favourite Food

(B/N)=Brothers Name

(F/N)=Fathers Name

(M/N)=Mothers Name

I'm sure you all know the drill by now.

Hope you enjoy, Feel free to leave feedback and comments.

Harry Potter.  Hermione X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now