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Me:*scrolls down on her phone and See's a notification* *gasp*oh my god!

Phil:*turns around and looks at her* something wrong Ate shane?

Me:no nothing's Phil but guess what!

Phil:ano ate?

Me:someone finally send us some questions!

Phil:Talaga!? (Really!?)

Me:ehm....but too bad there are no dares but... Oh well...anyway, can you you call the others'?

Phil:Opo ate!


Me:okay since were all here, let's start!, okay first we have some questions and there all from @Poloaq!,here are the question's:

For phil:who is your crush?

For Canada:who do you have feelings for q-q

For Martial:who do you hate like purely haye? :3

Phil:*blushes*umm..... Well....i have so many crushes but... I guess I can tell you who i like the most but... In private..? Cause it's too embarrassing to tell in front of everyone...

Me:okay then *look's at the Harem's* you heard him everyone! Now give us some privacy please!

*after they got out*

Me:okay Phil go on

Phil:*sigh* okay well... Like I said I have so many crushes but I will tell you who I like the most and one of them it's...... Canada .....Ame's brother... But I'm not sure if he likes me back since.... He seems to like Ukraine... (Which also one of my crushes )

Me:oh.. Phil*hugs him*

Phil:*hugs back*don't feel bad Ate...

Me:okay...but don't worry maybe Canada might have some feelings for you too.

Phil:hm... Maybe.

Me:*gives him halo-halo*here have this

Phil:*gasp*wow! Salamat ate! (Thank you sis!)

Me:your welcome, now time to call everyone back

*after everyone comes back in*

Me:okay let's continue with the questions which is Canada's turn

Canada:*blushes*well.... Can I just whisper to you?

Me:okay...? *leans closer*

Canada:*whisper's*it's between Phil or Ukraine cause I'm not sure about it yet....

Me:oh okay,now next question! Martial?

Martial:hmm... Well... To be honest I hate Spanish Empire

SE:oh~ and why is that mi amor~? (Sorry if its wrong)

Martial:none of your business

Me:well that's it everyone! See you on the next part!
Send us some more dares and questions!
And I might have done some changes in the "author's note" you can go and check it out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now