Question's & Dare's 4

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Me:okay everyone! We got more dares and questions! So let's start!

For phil-Jollibee? (Any answer is alright)

For Martial-age gap between
You three brothers?

For phil's harem-kneel down before Phil and kiss him on the hand💖

For Palau-do you know how babies are made?

For phil-how did you give birth to Palau and who's the biological father😗?

For indo-you least favorite subject in school

For France-are you married?

All countries-shake my hand and you can get your crush no joke

(Note:don't always believe me:)

Phil:well... All I can answer is.... I LOVE JOLLIBEE'S SOOOOOO SO SO MUCH!, there food is just to delicious~😋

Martial:hm.... You already know the age gap between Me and Phil but I guess I will tell you again....*clears throat*me and Phil are between 14 and 19 while me and kuya Del are between 17 and 23

Me:well that's interesting martial and I have a surprise for the both of you!

Phil:what is it ate?

Me:the surprise is behind this door*open's the door and reveales a familiar figure who is smiling towards them, the both of them are shocked and surprise*


Del:hi there bunso! Musta?

Phil:*runs up to him and gives him a big hug while crying*KUYA!!!

Del:*hugs him back*there... There... Phil... I'm here here...

Phil:*let's go and wipes his tears away*im so glad you're back kuya....

Del:*smiles softly at him*me too too..*ruffles his hair then looks at martial who is looking at him still in shock*come here martial... Give your big brother a hug...

Martial:*snaps out of his shockness the looks back at del who has his arms wide out open for martial to hug him which he did while crying*

Del:*hugs him tightly while petting his hair*there... There.... Little brother... I'm here and I will not go anywhere and never leave you guys alone ever again....

Martial:*sniffs while burying his face into del pilar's chest and hugging him tightly*

Del:*looks at Phil and me*come here you two...

Me and Phil:*runs up to them and join's the hug*

Japan:awww.... They look so happy together...


*after the sibling reunion they pulled away*

Me:okay.. We should probably continue the questions and then we will move on with the dares!


Phil:oh right kuya! You don't any of this do you?

Del:*shakes head*no I don't

*after they explained to him*

Del:oh okay then

Me:good now let's continue! And it's Phil's harem!

Indo:but it's a dare not a question...

Me:just do it anyway

*after they each kiss Phil's hand*

Me:soooo~?, how did it go?

Brunei:amazing! But I think Phil needs a break though.... He passed out

Me:oh dear..... Welp... I guess we should go and bring him to his room then

*after bringing Phil to his room*

Me:okay let's continue!

Palau:uhh.... No I don't know how babies are made... Mom never told me..

Martial:you will know that one day Palau dear

Me:yep he will and the next question is for Phil but be is still passed out so we will skip him

Indo:hm.... Idk...but I think P. E

France:of course I am married!

Me:okay we will stop here for now and continue this in the part

Del:why little sis?

Me:cause.... I have to attend a important matter

Martial:which is?

Me:well.. You see... Tomorrow is 'family reunion day' which means I will have a reunion with my family and my other relatives so yeah...

Del:okay sis we understand

Me:thanks del, and to my beautiful readers! I hope you understand! Even @poloaq! I will do the rest in the next part!, so bye!
Author out!

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