Questions & Dares! 3

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Me:hello everyone! And welcome back for another questions and dares!
And there from @poloaq!

Ame:seriously.... Again!?


Malay:oh no.....

Me:okay let's start!

For Spanish Empire-how old are you?

For America-who do you hate the most? By I mean people not countries

For Russia-how tall are you>:D

For Japan-what is the age gap between you and Nekomi?

For France-are you a male or female?

For Palau-do you exist? Do you love your mother (Phil) romantically or planotically 🤨?

For Belarus-do you have a third eye:D?

For Estonia-have a crush by any chance?

For Phil-do you know I prefer McDonalds over Jollibee:]?

For Martial-do you have an older brother named Del Pilar

For Israel-enemy? Do you have an enemy?

For Canada-opinion on p_rnhub since your the one who created

Spanish E.:a bit older than katipunan (kkk)

Ame:I don't hate anyone

Russ:hm... Almost the same high as my father

Japan:well... Between 19 and 12

France:male of course! (In my au France is always male)

Me:and his the top


Me:okay next!

Palau:of course I exist! And I love my mother just like other kids love there's!

Phil:awww.... Come here hun

Palau:*runs up and hugs him*

Me:well that's so sweet, okay next question!

Belarus:I don't actually know.....

Estonia:yes and it's *whispers*Finland or phil

Phil:why do you prefer McDonalds over Jollibee...!?

Me:let her do her choices Phil....


Me:how about I take you to Jollibee after this hm?


Me:*giggles*good, now let's move on, next!

Martial:yes we do have an older brother named del Pilar, he..... His at abroad at the moment.... And we both miss him....

Me:well good news martial!, his coming here to see you guys!

Phil:really!?yay! And..... Do you mean 'us' cause his your older brother too

Me:oh yeah.... I forgot... Anyway next!

Israel:no I don't have an enemy... Maybe in the past but right now I don't

Canada:hm.... I can only say good I guess...?

Me:okay! Time for the dares!

For Martial and Phil-cosplay as your favorite anime characters(✪ω✪)

All countries-turn into omegaverse again and not turn back until 2 chapters

Japan-mark an omega that you want

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