Dare's 22!

50 3 4

Me:okay everyone! We have only 2 Dare's! So let's get started! And there from @M1nu_M2nni!

Bela:a different person?

Me:no.this @M1nu_M2nni person is actually @Nobraincells!, she just changed her user name


Me:anyways let's start for real!

For Phil-i dare Phil to wear a maid dress and show it to his harem :>

Phil:.... Do I have to..?

Me:yes! And here! *gives him the maid dress and pushes him in the changing room*

*after Phil change*

Phil:uhh.... Ate?


Phil:isn't this a little to revealing..?

Me:nah....and also show it to your harem


Me:you didn't hear when I read it out earlier?

Phil:*blushes harder*no! It's just that-!

Me:just go



Phil:uhhh.... Guys..?

Ss:yes phil-

Phil:ta dah..?

Ss:..... *faint's while having a nosebleed*

Phil:AHHH!!!!! ATE!!!!!

*after they been put to bed*

Me:they will wake up soon so don't worry phil


Me:anyway let's do the last dare and it's for martial!


Me:*shows him the dare*

Me:*shows him the dare*

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Me:just do it and I will pick who you are going to be staying with hmm...
*spots*Aha! Nazi!!!

Mar:sis why!?

Me:just bare with it


Me:you and martial are going to stay in a room for 3 hours only


*Then Nazi picks up martial bridal style*

Nazi:let's go darling~*winks*


Me:and also Nazi don't do anything SUS....

Nazi:*rolls eyes*yeah... Yeah...

*then the author took them to the room where they were staying and then left*

Okay everyone that's all!
Please keep sending more questions & Dare's! And also my other book!

Don't forget to vote, follow and share this with a friend!

Have a great day/evening/night!
My beautiful jewels!


Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now