Dare's 19!

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Me:okay folks before you start reading I'm just gonna say that this is going to be very short... So yeah...
Let's start
The dares are from @hideaway729

Can Phil and martial call everyone daddy for one day

Phil,Mar:*blushes*...... Uhh....

Me:you can start tomorrow if you want

Phil, Mar:okay..... *still blushing*

Me:okay this is the last one I guess....

I dare martial and Phil to "pick" a sugar Dadi 😭😭😭

Mar:A WHAT!?!?!? *blushes really red*

Me:you heard me...

Phil:do we have to...?


Phil:okay....i think I'll pick.....i don't know who... Actually...

Me:how about Ukraine????

Phil:okay...? Why?

Me:don't know....

Phil:I think I'll pick Ukraine then....

Me:okay good, how about you martial???


Me:I thought you would pick N.k,Russia or Vietcong???

Mar:naaaahhhh..... Lots of people rarely ship me and Germany so yeah.... And also...there's another reason for me why I pick Germany...

Me:and that is...?

Mar:his not a pervert....

Me:oh really???, cause I think I saw him doing pervert things to you last time I see you both together alone the mansion/house when the others are not here that time....

Mar:..... Okay.... Maybe he can be a pervert sometimes.....

Me:ehm.... Okay... Now..... *pushes them a bit forward*Go! To your sugar daddies Now!

Phil, Mar:*blushes*


That's all my beautiful jewels!
Please keep sending more! And
Don't be shy!

And also don't forget to vote, follow and share this with a friend!

Have a great day/evening/night!


Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now