Questions & Dare's 9!

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Me:okay welcome back everyone! To another Questions & Dare's chapter 9!
So without further of do let's start! There from @pupuUwU4!

For Phil-who would you kiss marry or kill?

Phil:well..... Idk.... But I'll try to answer your question's, well... Im not sure who I would kiss but, I think it's South K. And about who am I going to marry is..... I don't actually know tbh.... And the killing part well..... I actually don't want to kill anyone....

Me:okay moving on!

For Phil (again) -would you rather date America or Canada?

Phil:uh..... I don't really know who to pick... Actually... They both of them are great...!

Me:okay! Let's move on with the dare! And it's only one.... Dare.

For Russia and America-i dare you
two locked in a room for 24 hours

Ame:you got to be kidding me again!?



Me:just do it*pushes them inside the rooms and locks it*

Phil:are they going to be alright...? Just.... The two of them....?

Me:ehm... And after they got out, give them a kiss so they can calm there asses... Down....

Phil and martial:.....*blushes*

Me:okay my beautiful jewels that's it for today! See you guys on the next chapter bye~!

Author out!

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