Questions & Dares! 5

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Me:welcome back everyone! Before we start the dares which I said we will continue cause you know.... I have a important Matter with my family but anyway! We have a special guest and it's...... No other then @poloaq herself!

Polo:hello everyone


Me:okay let's get into the dares! And there all from @poloaq

all countries-shake my hand and you can get your crush no joke
(Note:don't always believe me)

All:wait really!?


*after they shake hands*

Polo:okay as promise you can get your crush now

SS harem:*goes to phil and grabs and hugs him*

ML harem:*goes to martial and grabs and hugs him*

Martial & phil:uh... *blushes*

Me:let them do what they want phil and martial,that's there reward

Both:.... Fine...

Me:okay let's move on!

For phil-dance wet the bed in front of your harem >:33!!!


Polo:just do my dare


*after phil dance*

Me:oh come on phil! It wasn't that bad!

Phil:oh shut up!

Me:*sigh*.... Okay next!

For martial-dance.... Any Dance you want


Me:come on! Martial!


Phil:please kuya...?


Del:come on.... Please bunso...?

Martial:..... No kuya

Me:Martial we won't stop until you say yes

Martial:fine! But can I dance with someone?

Me:hm... Sure! Who is it..?


Me:I would pick China and Russia but I think North k. Would be a good choice and....I don't know if your harem could dance...

ML harem:we can dance!!!

Me:well... I'm sorry if I don't know!, so who would you pick martial?

Martial:hm... I think I'll go with your choice Ate

Me:well... How lovely!, now go on and get him!

Martial:*nods and goes to  North K. Who is talking to South k.*

South k.:*notice martial*oh hi there martial!, need something?

Martial:hi and yeah....can I talk to North?

North k.:yes?

Martial:well um.... Can you dance with me cause I was dared to...

North k:hmm.... I don't know....

Me:well that's a shame..... Guess I will choose someone else then-

North k:on second thought I will do it

Me:*smirks*works ever time

North k:*rolls eyes*anyway what kind of dance?


North k:hmm... Okay

*after they dance and if you are wondering what kind of dance they are dancing to, well it's 'Señorita' and I'm going to make this in gacha club and upload it to YouTube, you can watch it if you want if I can make it*

Me:that is so romantic~!

Phil:I agree sis!

North k. & martial:*blushes*

Me:okay on to the next dare!

For phil-cosplay!!!! Cosplay as pieck finger in aot 🤩, also be in that cosplay for like a month..
I guess you can also shift into the cart Titan while cosplaying it

Phil:yay! More cosplaying!

Me:here Phil*gives him the outfit*

*after Phil change and shows it to everyone*

Me:*took's photo*Nice


Me:okay next dare!

For all countries-meet my country humans aot Book characters

Phil:we have another version of ourselves?

Polo:yep *snaps fingers*and here they are!

(Just in case you might get confused, @Poloaq's country human's has p. On there names while mine doesn't)

P.Del:huh?.... Author? What are we doing here?

Polo:nothing Phil I just want you guys to meet your other selves! The original one


P. Phil:hello!

Martial:*stares at p. Martial*

P. Martial:*stares at Martial*

Mark:captain Marcos...? Are you okay?

P. Martial:...... *still stares at martial*

Polo:don't bother him mark... He is busy looking at his original self

*after they meet @poloaq's country human book characters*

Me:okay everyone let's move on!

For Japan phil-i dare you both to do the thing in the bedroom 👁👄👁✨

Japan and Phil:*blushes*uhhh......

Polo:only if you're comfortable with this author

Me:well I'm not sure if I am comfortable with this but...... *pushes Japan and Phil into the bedroom*I'll just have to deal with it, have fun you two!

*after that*

Polo:so how did it go~?

Japan:*blushes*we don't want to talk about it

Phil:*blushes and nods*yeah....

Me:okay next one!

For Martial-do the most normal thing you would do

Martial:.... Okay,*take out phone and play's mobile legend*

Me:...... Uh... Next!

For America-fun fact did you know that my a.p teacher said that Philippines should've stayed as an American colony instead of being independent :>?

Ame-wait.... Really!? teacher said so...


Me:well that's all for today everyone!
And keep giving us dare and questions! And don't forget to vote, follow and share with a friend!
See ya on the next part my beautiful jewels~!
Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now