Questions & Dares 10!

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Me:I have nothing to say so let's start..
And there  from my online sibling @poloaq.

Ame:why do you sound so mad and annoyed?

Me:I'm not.

zea:you are!

Aussie:are you mad at @poloaq?

Me:NO.....why would I be mad at my online sibling if she doesn't do anything wrong...?

Can:then why....?

Me:*sigh*something happen at school.... That's all....and I don't want to talk about it....


Me:anyway... Let's just start...

For Author-does Hukbalahap exist?
Are they a female or male?
(I see Huk as a female 👀)

Me:.... Well yes Hukbalahap does exist and she's a female and also turned out to be Martial's daughter.... Anyway next!

For phil-have you meet other versions of you or other universe? If so any opinion's on them?

Phil:uh... Well yes I do kinda meet my other version's of my self or other universe's cause Ate Shane told me about them and my opinion's about them......


Phil:they're all cool and amazing!

Me:okay next!

For Spanish Empire-did you kill somebody 🤔?

SE:..... Yes I did kill but I'm not going to tell who....

Me:.... Okay next!

For Israel-do You have any enemies or countries that You are not allied with?

Israel:hm..well I don't actually know...

Me:that's okay Israel.. Next!

For the English brothers- youngest to oldest?

Can: Older




(Sorry if you are confused)


For phil-do you like the spicy cheezy chips 👀?

Phil:yes! There so spicy and cheesy!

Me:okay next!

All countries-what was the dumbest way You guys did?

All:sorry.... Not gonna tell....

Me:*sigh*..... Next...

All the countries again-favorite song :D?

All:in the next chapter

Me:why do you all want to tell it in the chapter..?


Me:hay nako....... Anyway next...

For martial:are you an anti-communism?

Martial:hm.... Maybe... Or maybe not..... Don't know...


For South Korea-are you an idol?

South k. :indeed I am!

Me:okay time for the dares!

For Author- teleport me there so I can force phil to buy me McDonalds

Me:.... Oh okay *teleports @poloaq*

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now