Questions & Dares 16!

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Me:okay FUCKERS! We have more questions and dares!
There all from one of my favorite author's! @zayunima!


All-do you guys like me as your author/creator

All:well our author/creator Shane does love your stories and she told us all about you and even showed us your stories and you seem to be a good author/creator so Yes we like you as our author/creator

All-How is the feeling of me using u guys in my story


All-is my story bad😞

All:NO.your story is not bad it was actually kinda good!

All-do you guys want to meet your original/my characters 🙃😞?

All:Yes please!!!!!

Me:you have to wait then....


All-am I a bad Author/creator to you guys 😞

All:Like we just said you seem to be a Nice, good, kind and caring Author/creator so no your not a bad author/creator to us after all our Author/Creator Shane did make us read your story and told us about you

All-do u guys like my story? 😞

All:Yes.We love it very much

For Russia, Martial, America, Germany, Nk, Phil, Del, Ukraine-hiiii🤭🤭









For ML harem-do u guys want to marry my lil baby/martial I'm he's author do he's also mine 🙃🤭

ML:yes we want to marry him!
He's just to perfect!

For SS-ki11 each other 🙃🤭


*after that*

Me:welp let's just continue....

For Ukraine-where harem are u in Phil or mar?

Uke:Phil of course!


For UK & Ussr-how many kids u have 💀

Uk, ussr:4...

Me:well at least that's not to many


For Martial-be a girl for the next 2 or 3 chapter

Mar:wait..... WHAT!?!?!

Me:hehehe..... *snaps fingers*and there!


For Russia-spend time with your father/user and Ukraine


*after they went out to spend the day together*

Me:okay... While there out let's continue the chapter!

For Nk-U can get 1 revenge on someone from the martial harem don't worry you have my permission 🤭

Nk:oh~why thank you! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this~*looks at China*

Chi:oooohhhh noooo..... Don't you even f(beep) dare!

Nk:*smirks while holding up a nuke*oh Yesss I f(beep) will~

Chi:uh.... Author?

Me:sorry china A dare is a dare and he has also have permission so good luck...!

Chi:*growls then looks back at nk*Nk... We can talk about this....

Nk:oh.... There's nothing to talk about China~

Chi:..... *runs away*

Nk:HEY! GET BACK HERE!!!!! *runs after him*

Me:well.... While those two are having fun... Let's just continue...

For Germany-be with your father/nazi


*after they went out*

Me:okay.. Next!

For Spain-k1||your father in front of martial and ask if that's enough for he's hand in marriage 🤭


*after that*

Spa-mi Amor~is killing my father is enough for you to allowed me to ask you in marriage with me..? (Sorry about that)

Mar:*blushes*uhh...... M-Maybe..?

Spa:*smirks while kissing martial's hand*oh~really~?

Mar:*blushes all red*....

*meanwhile in the background...... The ML harem was ready to kill Spain but Del and Phil stop them*

Me:let's just continue.... Before something will happen

For ML H-which 1 simp in the martial harem do you guys all agree u all hate just 1 and u need to agree in it

Me:so any Valounter?

JE & IE:me!

Me:okay and here is the second part of this

K1|| that person/simp and leave it U Can do it a horrible way of ki11ing and don't worry 🤭 you guys have my permission 🤭🤭

JE & IE:okay...?

*after that*

Okay my beautiful jewels that's all for today!
Sorry if the story is not good enough cause I was making this at 12 am in the morning so yeah....
But I hope you enjoy the chapter!
Soo... See you guys on the next one!

Author out!

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now