Questions & Dares 23!

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Okay so.....this chapter got rewritten again cause of MY STUPID FINGERS! DELETE THE WHOLE THING.

I almost throw my phone and was planning to discontinue this book but after I listen to one of favorite music and calming my self down.

I went back and rewrite.

And here we are:


Del:okay so.... If you notice why am I going to tell the question and dares today because (you already know) the Author is in her room still mad and also very tired and you probably read on the top so let's just start


For Mar-who is your favorite in your harem?

Mar:I actually have two favorites, Russia and Germany.

For Russ-Martial or Vodka?

Russ:Martial of course! I love him with all my heart.

Phil:awww... That's sweet kuya Russia!

Russ:thanks sunshine

Del:okay now onto the dares


Phil:what!? *blushes*

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Phil:what!? *blushes*

Del:you have to do it phil....

Phil:fine.... But the problem is... I don't exactly know where Ate put the maids dress...

Del:guess you have to go and ask her

Phil:oh no! I'm not going to her room while she is still mad! Remember last when we went to her room while she is still mad!? Kuya we almost died that time! She can sometimes can't control her anger!

Del:..... Guess we have to do it later then...

Mar:I know where she puts them kuya so I'll just go and get them

*after Martial found them and gave them to Phil and Phil wears it and start to dance while blushing

After he dance*

Mar:uhhh... Phil?


Del:looks like he is still embarrassed but let's just move on

For phil-i dare Phil to kiss Canada in the lips

Phil:*blushes*o-okay.... *walks towards Canada*

Can:huh? Oh Phil!

Phil:*whispers*im sorry for this..

Can:? Wha-!?

Phil:*pulls him into a kiss*

*after that they broke kiss and was still blushing*

Del:moving on

For mar-i dare martial to hug North Korea

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now