Questions & Dare's 8!

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Me:okay folks! We have more Questions and dares! And there from @justa_tensura_reader! Who is used to be @LianMakayla her/his old account


Me:okay let's start! Questions first of course

For Martial-who is your least favorite in your harem?

Martial:hm..... The Axis and Spanish Empire I think....

The Axis and SE:*whisper in Martial's ear*and why is that my love~?

Martial:*blushes*none of your Good Damn business.....!

The Axis and SE:oh~come~on~

Martial:*blushes madly*

Ussr & Russia:*gets angry then pulls martial behind them*can't you see he doesn't want to answer and is uncomfortable!

Me:now now boys, don't fight we only just begun and you guys already want to get hurt?

The Axis, SE, Ussr and Russia:.....

Me:let's just continue with the chapter...

For Japan-would you kill for Phil?

Jap:of course I would! I will do anything for sunshine!


For Philip-if you could kick someone out of your harem who would it be?

Phil:.... Uh..... I don't know who tbh....

Me:it's okay Phil you don't have to answer if you don't want to

Phil:salamat ate....

Me:okay let's move on with the dares!

For philip-watch a horror movie with America

Phil:uh.... Okay...?

Ame:don't worry Phil you can hold on to me if you want*winks*


*in the middle of the movie*

Phil:*gets jump scared and hugs America burying his face in his chest*

Ame:there... There Phil... Don't worry I'm here.... *hugs him while rubbing his back*

Phil:i-is i-it d-do-done...?

Ame:yes Phil.... It's over.... No need to be scared now....

Phil:*let's go of America and scratch his neck*s-sorry f-for h-hugging you like t-that....

Ame:hey....*cups his face*no need to say sorry Phil.... It's fine.... And I'm okay with it...


Ame:now stop with that sad face....i don't like that kind of face... Where is the happy sunshine Phil I know hm...?

Phil:*looks at ame then giggles*

Ame:ah! That's the Phil I know!


Jap:what's taking them so long..?

Neko:don't know Onii-san..

Me:let's just continue while we wait I get the feeling they are having a great time with each other*looks at phone and show's it to martial*

For Martial-Make YOUR harem jealous

Martial:ummm..... Okay.... But how...?
Hm..... Have any ideas Ate?

Me:I don't know....maybe.... Try pretending to go out with someone...?

Martial:hm.... Meh... I guess I'll try...

Martial law,Sunshine And Asean Harem Q&DWhere stories live. Discover now