martial x nazi staying in a room for 3 hours!

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Okay so @M1nu_M2nni wants me to make a chapter where Nazi and martial are staying in a room for 3 hours and its also her dare from the last chapter so here it is! And sorry if it sucks... @M1nu_M2nni

Now let's start

No pov:
Nazi carried martial to a room which the author used when someone dared to stay for hours.

The room is like a apartment

Nazi sat on the couch with martial on his lap while wrapping his arms around him

Martial blush cherry red and Nazi notice his face and chuckled

"Awwww.... Is the great martial law blushing~? " Nazi said in a teasing tone

"S-Shut U-Up! " martial said and Nazi laugh

Then they hear a grumbling sound

Martial blink(cutely) and look up at Nazi who has a flush Face

"Are you hungry? " martial ask and Nazi went silent for a moment before noodling

"Yes.... "

Martial looks at him for a second before getting up of nazi's lap

"Where are you going? " Nazi ask

"To the kitchen of course, aren't you hungry? " martial said looking over his shoulder

".....oh.... "

Martial let out a giggle while rolling his eyes before he start getting the ingredients out and start cooking
(His making chicken adobo btw)

While martial was cooking, Nazi turned the tv on and looks for anything interesting.

*meanwhile with the author*

The author watch at the two in her security cameras while having a look you can't describe and yes there are security cameras everywhere around the mansion/house and every room.

'This is going to be interesting.... 'The author thought as she kept watching the two

*back to martial and Nazi*

Martial finished cooking and sets the food on the table

"Nazi! Food is ready! " martial called out

Nazi turned off the TV before going to the table

*after they ate*

Nazi help martial cleaned up and was about to wash the dishes but martial said he will do it, Nazi offered he will do it but martial refused and said he will go and take a shower since he already showered

Nazi sigh and just went to the bathroom

*1 and 9 minutes/3 hour's*

After Nazi showered he dry his hair off and wraps a towel around his waist before getting out

He saw martial asleep on the couch snoring cutely

Nazi walks over him still has the towel around his waist and admired his beautiful sleeping Face before his eyes lands on his lips which looks (your opinion) in nazi's eyes

*WARNING!!!! :a little 18+ up ahead!*

'He wouldn't mind if I kiss him right? 'Nazi thought before he lowered his head and admired martial's face a little more before closing the gap between them

Martial then start to wake up feeling something on his lips

He opened his eyes before it went wide

He saw Nazi kissing him,he starts blushing hard but what makes him blush 10x  harder is that Nazi is not wearing anything only a towel which is around his waist covering his ykw

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